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  1. oilheaad840

    New growing method

    its new to me and people join all the time so maybe it aint to u but others it might
  2. oilheaad840

    New Growing Method

    hey if ya feel like ya did then thats on you just tryin to put the knowledge out there for somebody who didnt know about it i found it interesting nothing wrong in someone learning something new
  3. oilheaad840

    New growing method

    see i just had a buddy from minisota tell me he had a buddy using the system and he been using it for the past 6 months and it amazed me when i saw it so i figured id share the info but you always got someone to bitch about it but i like the idea of it
  4. oilheaad840

    New growing method

    nope just trying to put this growing method out there thats all cant hurt ya to learn something and if ya think its spam why bother commenting on the post does it bother you that much
  5. oilheaad840

    New growing method

    nope not really
  6. oilheaad840

    New growing method
  7. oilheaad840

    New growing method
  8. oilheaad840

    New growing method

    i found a pretty cool new grow method it puts organics a ponics together seen alot of good things about it got a couple buddies that showed me there setups real nice figured i let others check it out and see what they think...
  9. oilheaad840

    New Growing Method

    hey im just trying too get the knowledge out there i like the fact that its got ponics and organics mixed in one the link up top is messed up but if you dont like it thats koo just tryin to help others who might like the knowledge and heres the new link link deleted as spam
  10. oilheaad840

    New growing method

    I found this new way to grow heard alot about it talked to people and seen amazing results with this method its called aquaponics check it out link--->
  11. oilheaad840

    New growing method

  12. oilheaad840

    New Growing Method

    i found a new way to grow its called aquaponics heard alot of good news bout this heard it amazing check it out in the link provided link------>link deleted as spam
  13. oilheaad840

    newcomer lookin to get some highly education!!

    hey ive heard about this site alot just got out of prison figured i would check it now i got a computer ,my celly was a member on this site n told me its very educationg so figured i drop a few words on here:joint: