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  1. G

    Today's pot vs. pot from the 60's

    I used to smoke a lot in the late 60's early 70's and absolutely do not remember having real BUD to smoke...only what I remember as leaves. It was stoner stuff which had to be sativa, and got you real high, but there were no buds to be found in the product. So question: now all we smoke are...
  2. G

    Flowering with HPS...can I add red T5's for side light?

    Used a nice T5 for vegging and got great results. (Also used CFL's with it). Replaced all that with HPS for flowering and since it's a little crowded, the light doesn't penetrate all the way to the bottom leaves. Wondering if it's worth it to bring back my T5 unit but with red tubes and hang...
  3. G

    Using RI card in other states

    Does anyone know if any other legal states accept the RI card? As in, being able to walk into a dispensary, show the RI card and have no problems?