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  1. closetgrower13

    it is done. and i just didnt know what i had untill it was dryed. A HALF POUND.i expected a qp...

    it is done. and i just didnt know what i had untill it was dryed. A HALF POUND.i expected a qp and i got 10 full os.shes curin right now so i know it will loose some additional wieght,but not much. im glad i cropped out above my expectation, and went out with a bang. because this is my last...
  2. closetgrower13

    400 hps yield.. ..

    im growing lemon g. not sure what typ of yield this gets. the info ive dug up said it was a ohio based clone only strain... but i somehow got it.+D cant wait im choppin this weekend. check out my profile ill post some pics
  3. closetgrower13

    My first plant near harvest.... a few questions with pics

    yes my friend..... so washing haha. i hope everthing turns out great. just make sure there isnt to much moisture going into the jars, you dont want mold and more bud rott.
  4. closetgrower13

    California Told To Shut Dispensaries

    it is a big fuckin joke, yes racer boy you nailed the shitty nail right on the head. stupid as fuck.......and sad.... i thought we were making some progress='(
  5. closetgrower13

    6th Inning Stretch

    oh im not even close to sweating it haha. i like the look of a nice big ole' wooly bud. and one plant stated spitting out new hairs, then the other one followed about 5 days later. it looks so cool to watch them spit more out day by day, along with little extra growths of pistols jutting out...
  6. closetgrower13

    California Told To Shut Dispensaries

    yeah i hope they take a stand and at least made a deal over this. its perfectly legal on the state level. they even get the cops to come check it out so they know they are within the states regulation and laws. but then BAM some stupid shit like this happens. the feds step in because the state...
  7. closetgrower13

    6th Inning Stretch

    this is happening to me. wtf is happening?im guessing its a damn good thing cuz it made it look like nice'n hairy. is this like the finall last attempt to make the fruits catch pollin or what? im about 3 days away from 11 weeks and i noticed my plants sprouting new hairs at around 10. i think...
  8. closetgrower13

    Bubblegum kush

    the shock from changing light all of a sudden? going from 2 26's or watever to 430 watts is decent change
  9. closetgrower13

    California Told To Shut Dispensaries

    this just makes me sick.
  10. closetgrower13

    i need some scent control...really bad

    ona gel. is there anything else like it? i think thats my best bet tho. how do you think it smells?
  11. closetgrower13

    i need some scent control...really bad

    my weed really smells and i have to do something to help with it. i need to eliminate it. i burn inscents and have a wall plug in thing in every outlet.. what is somthing good that eliminates smell and not covers it up? or something thats REALLY damn good at covering it up.
  12. closetgrower13

    Growing shrooms outdoors?

    dont they have somewhat of rooting system?
  13. closetgrower13

    400 hps yield.. ..

    im growing 2 under 8sqft with a 400 and thats what im lookin at maybe a lil over
  14. closetgrower13

    what would you do ?

    im going with the two 5 gallon buckets with 2 air stones to each. with that little drain tube and a 6inch using clay balls. i guess thats a good substrate ive read that rockwool can alter ph .. phillip haha i like that show and thats true, it will open up alot of space in there for me...
  15. closetgrower13

    what would you do ?

    Does the volume of the rez matter? Like is there a positive or negative for choosing a big tuperware container that holds 2 or 4 vs 5 gallon buckets? Or would individual square containers work better? I have a ph tester and ill get a regulator when I get there. Any nutes you can...
  16. closetgrower13

    My first plant near harvest.... a few questions with pics

    ^what he said. if you want a cerebral high youve got it. just please please please dont wash it.they look perfectly fine to me.if you wash it that just wasting thc.. i dont spray mine at all anymore. my plants are in the 10th week of harvest, the final stages like yours. im looking for more of...
  17. closetgrower13

    what would you do ?

    im going on my 5th dirt grow and im thinking seriously about hydro. i have closet space about 4 ft deep and 2 1/2 ftwide. what type of hydro system would you grow? i know there is alot of different kinds , but i just dont know enough about it to make the decision on what to build for my space. i...
  18. closetgrower13

    Growing shrooms outdoors?

    nice thanks hash id like that link, all the info i can get. and ya mushrooms galore, one day i was like hey...... why the hell not?i could have little patches growing everywhere in the woods..... i cant wait till i get some suspended spores
  19. closetgrower13

    Growing shrooms outdoors?

    has ne one ever have experience with shrooms outdoors in the midwest(ish) area?