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    Any of yall seen the new Stonetown cartoon? The very first episode was released on 4/20/2012. The cartoon is created by Daddy X and D-Loc from the Kottonmouth Kings.
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    easiest way to add p and k

    I have decent fertilizer that I purchased at a local store, but its all purpose food with a NPK of 8-2-4. I was wondering is there is an easy way to add more p and k or if I would have to buy another food for flowering.
  3. S Review

    I placed my order on October 10th and payed with a money order. I live in the central time zone in the US. They emailed me the tracking number when the package was sent out on October 20th, it took about 8-10 days for them to receive the money order. I checked the tracking number a couple...
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    White Widow and Super Skunk closet grow

    Ok guys, I got my seeds in the mail on Friday and germinated them. Sunday night both seeds were ready to be planted. I planted them in party cups using and organic seed starting soil called "eco-friendly organic seed starting soil", I got it at Lowes and was about $4 for an 8 quart bag. As of...
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    $10 vent system

    I have setup my vent for my small closet which I will be growing in. The vent consists of a small fan, carbon filter, cardboard box, tape, staples. I plan on getting a small cover to screw onto the outside of the door so it looks like a normal vent, but I can get some cheap one from walmart or...
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    Best place to buy

    Does anybody know some really great places to buy bongs, vaporizers, pipes, and rolling papers? I am looking for a new bong and I'd also like to get a new pipe too. My aunt also collects bongs and she is also looking for some too.
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    Vent help

    Hey guys, I'm in a little bit of a bind and I'm not sure what to do about ventilation. I am growing in a closet and cannot cut the walls. I am planning on cutting the door since it is hollow and easy to cut and I can cover it up easily in the future when we move out of this apartment years...
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    Closet Setup

    I am currently waiting for my seeds to arrive, so here is a walkthrough of my lil grow closet. I have sectioned it so there is a box for veg and the rest of the room is for flowering. I have only spent about $30 dollars on setting this up. The lights and soil are the only things I bought for...
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    Making Some Extra Cash

    Hey guys, Me and my wife are tight on cash and as a disabled veteran I'm not supposed to be working because of my condition. Does anyone know of a reliable place to make money online easily. My wife has 2 jobs and we are still just barely able to pay the bills. I am currently waiting on the...
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    About to start 2nd grow

    I am getting everything ready so I can start my 2nd grow and I was wondering what would be the best strain to grow? I am looking for something easy to grow, that will produce decent yields, and also is potent as me and my wife have only been able to get the cheap mexican shit lately.
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    Any fellow Satanists in the house?
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    First grow failed

    So with my very first grow I germinated one seed and planted it then in different pots I tried just planting a seed. Only one of these three seeds came up. They were all planted about 2 and a half weeks ago and the one seed that came up only grew to about 4 inches tall. Today that one seedling...
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    Seedling problem

    This seedling is about 2 weeks old. As seen in the pics the tips of the leaves turned brown and are curling up. This is my very first grow. I've been watering it until water starts to drain from the bottom of the pot and dont water again until the soil is dry. Does anyone know what is wrong...
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    First grow ever

    I am starting my first grow. the room has 7 100W CFL's each putting out 1000 lumenems, Miricle grow potting soil, and a box fan from walmart. I am using some random bag seed a friend gave me. I planted a coupl seeds in the big pot after germinating them. The other 2 where just planted...