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  1. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Cant agree more with U! Totaly on u'r side... just couldnt hold on my self to answering that cunt... Real glad u have enjoyed my thread will do my best to keep up! Appreciate for perpettuating the cycle as well :mrgreen::peace:bongsmilie
  2. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Harvesting the two small Blueberry plants tonight will take pics of them!The White Widow seeds germinating in wet paper towel since yesterday I put six seeds hopefully they all germinate.... Can anyone tell me how tall the White Widow gets cause I have an issue with the height since I'll be...
  3. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Believet or not(I dont care) I got 2 ounces of dried quality weed from my first plant! From the second one which is already dried and ready to go too I got about 1 ounce of hard buds :hump: The more I meet people like u, the more I wonder why dont u keep u'r comment to u'r self along with u'r...
  4. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    U'r a funny cunt 'my friend :lol:'... Can't stop laughing while writting this.. First of all have u ever used an HPS light? I'll be glad if people comment about things which THEY have exprerienced by them selves already, not told from a friend of a friend :mrgreen:.... Secondly about the topping...
  5. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Thanks Bro... u'r Blueberry looking real nice... Great set-up u got there...Looking forward for some kind of hydro my self but later on... Want to gain some more exprerience in soil! btw HPS rules!!:hump:
  6. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Ok guys, yesterday I harvested another one still five to go! There three big plants and two smaller left! They will probably all be harvested within 10 days one by one and will do my best to keep u's updated as much as possible as long as I dont pass-out so often from this weed.... maybe smoke...
  7. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Thanks for all replies!:peace::blsmoke: Ok the final weight was around 2 ounces from the first plant harvested! The other six are still going strong, today is 102 DAY!!! I just bought some sticks cause some of the branches are bended downwards and think to support them although is a bit late...
  8. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Ok BRO I'll add half the amount this time and next time will add full amount then stop to flush 2 or 3 times and should be ready by then hoppefuly its day 97 and looking good but still not fully developed. Obviously I have put them through a lot of stress lately :-| The water I have been giving...
  9. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    OK guys I'm BACK!... Sorry to everyone for me absent for a week but i dint have internet.... Now everything is cool:joint: So I have harvested the first one still six to go! I have some real nice pics for u all, but I want to ask few questions which have been worrying me a lot for the last...
  10. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Thanks 'zilluz' & 'OB Cron Kenobi' Best of luck to u too bro's! :joint: I think any first grower with enought money, time and space will do just the same if not better (trenton for example) I'm sure everyone has seen his thread which from I have gathered a lot of information and inspiration for...
  11. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    I had two timers but they both broke not long ago(maybe because they were mechanical) and haven't bought digital one's yet.... Thanks for the good words, appreciate it:weed:
  12. steve0029

    some tasty organic buds

    Great grow man.... some nice buds u got there I'm also very curious about the questions 'homerdog' asked u and will be glad if u answer them for us :-P Best of luck! steve
  13. steve0029

    Hiding Grow Setups From Parents?

    They'll find out soon or later for sure.... Except if u have a lock on u'r room and they never go in and u have some killer ventilation and u bring in all the water soil and everything suspicious in u'r room at night time and they never see u and u think of a good explanation for the increased...
  14. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Thanks bro :-P Sooo day 53 came and the buds seem to fat up but still long way to go i think? Lot's of white hairs and not so much bud... These ones may take the full 10 weeks of flowering except maybe for one(at the first two picture which i think to harvest whithin 5 days at most)what do u's...
  15. steve0029

    1400w Arjan's Haze #2 Scrog

    Awesome set up man! Will subscribe for sure... I havent seen a strain with so strong THC level... Is it indica or sativa or a hybrid probably? cause the link u put in u'r first post wont open. And are u going for 16 or 18 hours for veging? Peace bongsmilie
  16. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Heres a few more pics, I'm struggling to keep the humidity below 50% which is not as easy as I though!
  17. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Thanks for the advice 'LaneMeyer' will try to do that, but I just can't wait any longer...:mrgreen: got broke of giving money for weed or maybe I skmoke too much or there isn' such a thing as too much :-D Thanks bro pit bulls one of my passions... Thinking of starting to breed some... Best dogs...
  18. steve0029

    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    Looking real good bro.. What happened to the other seeds/plants:confused: I'm sure they'll all do just fine by looking at your last grow (real nice:joint:)! Good luck and keep up the good work bro :blsmoke: btw I'm getting kind of addicted to growing as well! I haven't finished my first grow...
  19. steve0029

    FIRST GROW 400hps 7th week flower Blueberry+just started Northen Pride under 250hps

    Thats one 250hps which is hanging on a hook with out a refloctor :hump:(putted there about a week ago and they seem to love it) and theres a 400hps further inside the room which has a reflector on :wink: