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    PM Message In Upper Right

    can we get that back? I liked being able to see if I had a PM without have to go to the inbox........ I just noticed it gone today and swear it was there yesterday....... are there updates being done this week?

    Pot and your kids: what is your opinoin?

    I had a conversation with someone about what they will/ will not tell their kids about pot, and what their experiences were. I'm wondering what the people of RIU think about this. If you have kids, do they know you smoke? Do you think that they should be taught that marijuana legalization is...

    Anyone Else Work All Day?

    I was just wondering if there is anyone else that enjoys RIU all day while they are at work.... or am I the only one? what is your job? (if you have one) I'm the accounting assistent for a small appliance parts business

    Illinois Medical Bill

    There is a medical marijuana bill in both the senate and the house in Illinois. Anyone in Illinois please e-mail your representatives and senate members and urge them to support these bills. they are HB5938 and SB2865.

    My First Grow

    This is my First grow. I am quite a bit into it but thought that it would be good to get some ideas and suggestions to make myself more organized and successful. Please let me know what you think of my setup. I am not able to put up and pictures yet but will do so tonight when I am home. 400W...