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  1. Resinant Frequencies

    East Coast/Maryland

    Indoor or Outdoor grow? What strain/s? Clone or seed? Hydro, soilless, or soil? Organic or Synthetic nutrients? l.e.d. or H.I.D. ? The list goes on. Post some of these answers and everyone will have something to work from, and get you on the proper path.
  2. Resinant Frequencies

    Autos: when to switch from MH to HPS?

    Combining both spectrums has been shown in test studies to provide a more complete spectrum and happier "praying" plants. Also the MH's blue spectrum has been shown to provide UVB radiation which actually increases resin production and THC %. Check it out I think Ed Rosenthal writes about these...
  3. Resinant Frequencies

    Ffof soil ph 5.2! Help

    Pure soluble potash 0-0-2+ or Clearex solution this actually leeches the grow medium more completely than pure water alone. potash will strip the salts away. Upon completion use a supplement containing yucca extract, kelp, bamboo, these organic surfactants will reduce surface tension of the nute...
  4. Resinant Frequencies

    help ............please!! my plants are getting bad.

    Hahhh! what a knee slapper. Thats reeeaalllyy!! INTELLIGENT. Who needs Good Buds anyways right. Mr. Knowitalls gonna eyeballit for you. Hows about humblin' that Jolly Green Giant aka your EGO! Do you PH test the water BEFORE you burn your plants or after? Or do you underfeed them until they show...
  5. Resinant Frequencies

    help ............please!! my plants are getting bad.

    Since we can only, watchhowyoudoit how about you do it without Hatin' or trying to inadvertantly make yourself sound like you have all the answers. When in fact, you have told Jubbs1 nothing original, or of intellectual value. You actually gleaned off of the first two responses, to advocate your...
  6. Resinant Frequencies

    help ............please!! my plants are getting bad.

    The longest natural day is 14hours48mins, on June 22, the longest natural night is 14hours42mins on December 22. This tells me that 14h 45min. would be really good for your plants as this would simulate the peak of the suns intensity in early summer when nature has it's most vigorous growth. The...
  7. Resinant Frequencies

    help ............please!! my plants are getting bad.

    The Leaves aren't dark enough to indicate over fertilization. They would be almost blackish green, and a real stiff feeling with severely brown edges/tips. Also we must keep in mind that although cannabis is mostly all green it is a flowering plant. The curling leaves are in fact flowers, and...
  8. Resinant Frequencies

    In budding, but yellow leafs slow progress..?

    Since you use roots organics, add Amino Aid & Big Swell both from Aurora. The AA provides real nitrogen in the form of amino acids, and glucosides, this will maintain compact heavier flowers, and replenish vigour. Big Swell, provides carotenoids, and brix sugars along with a complex array of...