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  1. Titania

    2 seedlings from 1 seed transplant?

    So I have twins which is interesting; I've had 1 before but it died. My question is: Is it possible to cut down 1 - at 3 days old - and use it as a cutting this early? And if not, has any1 successfully grown twins? :-?
  2. Titania

    Air stone, in soil?

    Anyone tried/heard of this?
  3. Titania

    Airstone, in soil?

    Will an air stone, covered in a thin layer of gravel, with soil on top, be capable of realistically oxygenating the soil? Is this a new idea, or not?:confused:
  4. Titania

    UV light on harvested Buds?

    I'm sure most of you are aware of trichome stimulation using UV light. My question is: will using UV light on Buds that have been harvested increase THC levels? Does the plant need to be alive in order to use the UV for THC production? I was thinking of putting my Buds under a tanning light...
  5. Titania

    What's your theory of life, the Universe and everything...

    Lets hear your views on the most fundamental questions... Why are we here,? do you believe in the anthropic principle?, what is the meaning of life?, What is consciousness?, is the Universe infinite?, does it have a cycle? Or maybe you believe in a religion which answers everything for you, if...
  6. Titania

    Flowering, blue/red ratio?

    Im 1 week into flowering and using 2x 125w blue envirolites, im wondering whether to put the red in there and keep the 1 125 blue as well. How important is red light this early on in flowering? It's just the blues are more efficient than the reds (I've heard). I was going to keep them like this...
  7. Titania

    Yellowing spreading

    Any1 got any suggestion on how solve a over watering prob. I always watered when the top 2 inches were dry, but the soil was so light that the top just dryed leaving the bottom soaked. It's been 4 days since i watered and it's still wet ahhhh!!! Wil this seriously slow growth? Do the leaves...
  8. Titania

    4L pot O.K for 18" plant?

    I'm making my grow a lil bigger this year, last 1 was 14" final height. This year I'm going for 18 to 20 inches final height (or vegging another 2 weeks which ever comes first). Last time I used 4L pots and they were fine, I'm using the same pots and don't plan on transplanting. My question is...
  9. Titania

    Sugar in Soil

    Has any1 used sugar on their soil? It creates a bacteria population explosion which you can see on the top soil as a 'fur'. It's useful for a number of reasons: Firstly, if you have to much nitrogen in your soil (fert burn), the bacteria consume it at a much faster rate if you give them sugar...
  10. Titania

    A Closet Grower-Envirolite

    Hello fellow growers. Well this is my 3rd grow now, and I've ironed out all the mistakes from the last 2. Here are my 2 Snow whites, at 8 and 9 days old. Light: 1x 125w envirolite, changing to 2 in 2 weeks.:mrgreen: Soil: Bio Bizz all-mix.:mrgreen: Ventilation: no vent, just a pc fan...