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  1. L

    Is this a chick?

    yes yes it is
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    i think she is almost ready
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    first grow pc case

    a little update a few days later one of the cfls burned one of the plants and i transfered out of the party cups
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    first grow pc case

    a couple of days later a little update. MJ sure does grow a hell of a lot faster than hot peppers lol.
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    first grow pc case

    Hey everyone, this is my first grow thought i would share some pics nirvana snow white and wonder woman. im using a pc case for Vegging and i have a Sterilite Cabinet for flowering. I have 9 cfls 8 26w 6500k and 1 13w 1-2700k anyways here are some pictures let me know what you guys think. the...
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    Pelt's First Grow Box and Indoor Grow Journal

    looks good. i was thinking about going to ikea to get a cabinet
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    Rhino's Garden 2011 ( Grow Log)

    looking good im grow some Trinidad scorpions
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    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    i wish i could get a mmj card but i dont have any medical records. just alot of back pain from work