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  1. Tron Lu

    Thousands of Bugs! Fungus Gnats? Pictures! Please Help!

    I think i'm having the same issue. Aphids= I tried looking up photos and i haven't come accross that looks like these, i assumed fungus knats. I see a bunch that are tiny crawling around and then the flying ones. Mine is in a tent environment, I've been usign Azamax but and did a full clean...
  2. Tron Lu

    What is this?

    Thanks. No feed as of yet. Just the Fox Farm Organic Soil that has some nutrients already. Just did the transplant into a bigger pot and starting nutrients early next week. I've been wiping it off. Hopefully it won't become an issue. again thanks, keep you posted.
  3. Tron Lu

    What is this?

    Fairly new to growing. Saw this milky white substance on a few of the leaves. Both kush's. one bubble gum the other purple. Look at the pic, dead smack in center if you can zoom. tried research and books to find out whit it is. Had a slimy texture, white, wasn't hard but can't figure it...