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    Tripping For My First Time.

    Make sure you're dude keeps them nice and fresh, because acid is very weak at a molecular level. Heat, water, sunlight, and many other things can degrade the potency and keep your trip down. Best thing to do is keep them in a freezer or sealed well in a cooler with ice in it. My first...
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    The Seed Collectors Thread

    You might want too look into some basic genetics like punnet squares, dominant and recessive alleles, phenotypes and genotypes, and how different traits are determined. For example, let's say x is the trait you want (recessive) and X is the trait that is unwanted (dominant)...The punnet...
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    cant find a good connect for ozs

    Dude i live in upstate SC we should smoke sometime.
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    Prices In Your Town

    Yeah i was just replying to the mids because thats the price he posted. But in my area SC i could get Blue Dream and Maui Wowie like a couple of months ago and now its like NYC Sour Diesel and Juicy yeah it like rotates in sets of 2 lol and its $20/g and $200-230/half oz.
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    I'm coding a drug management site to keep track of sales. Would anyone be interested?

    Don't listen to people that don't like the idea...the best way to do it would be offline and all information would be stored on the client-side. PM me when this gets up or you have a version to test.
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    Highdeas and stoned experiences.

    Alright so this is one crazy stoned experience that was probable only crazy because i was high as fuck. We were cruising and smoking so I had to hold the wheel for my friend...I was watching the road and not him, so I let go thinking he was done hitting it: Friend: MMMMM!!!!!! (like the noise...
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    Prices In Your Town

    Those prices are good compared to my town. For regs 2g $10 8-9g $30-40 14g $50-60 28g $80-100 and most people i know pay more than that. but it seems that at that rate your getting more bang for your buck at a dime than anywhere else? that's weird, cus where i live the more you buy, the...
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    I'm coding a drug management site to keep track of sales. Would anyone be interested?

    But yeah I'd be interested in that...would it be free? or would there at least be a free version?
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    I'm coding a drug management site to keep track of sales. Would anyone be interested?

    You could just give the code to people so they could run it offline. Then it'd be completely secure.
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    China Producing Fake Rice Containing Plastic

    What the fuck man that is fucking terrible! Holy shit I'm about to throw up that shits not cool at all...fucking cheap sneaky asian bastards with no fucking conscience...
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    First Time PF Tek - Ecuador (fruiting) GT (colonizing)

    I love GT's...there like the most common type where I live.