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  1. R

    Newbie Clone Question...

    The way I did mine (and this was a first for me) was I cut the clones at a 45 degree angle...dipped them in rooting powder...then stuck them in potting soil. I've read somewhere to have the lights on 12/12. So that's what I been having them on for the past 2 weeks. They seem to be staying alive...
  2. R

    Newbie Clone Question...

    How long do clones take to root and start growing? And what's the best light schedule to keep them on?
  3. R

    What Are These Plants Doing??? HELP!!

    Cool thanks guys...they're tagged and bagged!! Cut em down and stuck em in a garbage bag... Hey how long do clones take to root and start growing? And what's the best light schedule to keep clones on?
  4. R

    What Are These Plants Doing??? HELP!!

    Well I did shake them up some taking them out of the grow area to take pics...I didn't put them back in with the others tho...I left them out until I heard from someone on here. But like I said those sacks appeared like within the last two days. What would they look like if they opened and...
  5. R

    What Are These Plants Doing??? HELP!!

    Cmon man don't slam me for being a newbie...I just need a little help. So your saying they're males? Do males always sprout out like that? I thought males have tiny sacks...? Help me out...don't shut me out...I crave knowledge man!
  6. R

    What Are These Plants Doing??? HELP!!

    These are all just bagseed plants about 1-2 weeks into 12/12 flowering. I don't know WTF is going on with the ones with all the (pods). They appeared pretty fast too! Like in just a couple of days... I have a total of 5 plants and only 2 of them are like this. Please help me sort this crap out...
  7. R

    Light Cycles, Please Help!

    That's the best info I think I've ever heard... Great stuff to know!! I like it when shit's explained like that. Thanks for that man!! I just started flowering... well no not really. They've been on 12/12 for about two weeks and I still see no sex. I thought they were in the flowering stage. I...
  8. R

    Need Help Sexing My Plants...

    I just don't have a clue on weather these are girls or guys....please help!! Let me know what to take a pic of and I will. I can produce very good close ups...
  9. R

    What's so bad about Hermies...????

    I mean... I tried looking for little "sacks" and stuff but can't see any....
  10. R

    What's so bad about Hermies...????

    And can someone help me with the sexing???? I can provide good pics, just need to know what I'm taking a pic of...
  11. R

    What's so bad about Hermies...????

    I'm having a very hard time sexing my plants... They are almost two weeks into flowering... Is there any way to sex them now and save the crop???????
  12. R

    What's so bad about Hermies...????

    I hear alot of people talking about hermies. What's so bad about them? Do they produce buds like the a male or female? Or is it that you just can't clone one? Please gimme a good reason why their bad in some peoples eyes? I just want to know sense I'm a newbee and I don't know how to sex them or...
  13. R

    i'm a newbie...having a little trouble

    How many plants you have and how old are they?
  14. R

    i'm a newbie...having a little trouble

    Yeah I use both, same as you. Sense your soil stays moist for a long time you might want to water less. Like instead of a whole gallon, try and water with 1/2 gallon at a time. That might work. But I'm far from an expert...
  15. R

    Should I trim up my Fan Leaves??

    1) They're not diseased.. at least I would say there not. They don't look it... No mold either. 2) They been in flowering for about a week so far. So should I trim the fan leaves or not?...
  16. R

    i'm a newbie...having a little trouble

    Yeah this is a random hobby for me also. I always wanted to try and grow. I have 7 plants in like 1 or 2 gallon pots. I'm watering with the MG, one scoop of the small side in 1 gallon of water. I didn't use any MG for the whole time they were vegging cause I figured the MG soil had enough nutes...
  17. R

    Should I trim up my Fan Leaves??

    I have some pretty big Fan Leaves and was wondering if I should trim them up or cut the Fan Leaves off all together to allow more light??
  18. R

    i'm a newbie...having a little trouble

    I'm using the exact same everything as you are. I have the MG soil with 3 (or 6) mths of nutes, and the MG Original feed that you desolve in water. I didn't add the MG nutes untill I started to flower though. I figured that the nutes would be pretty much depleted by the time it was ready to...
  19. R

    Light Leakage...

    Cool ok. Got it... thanks guys!
  20. R

    Light Leakage...

    So your sayin it's OK to have light leaking OUT when the lights are on... no worries?