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  1. N

    Tomato seed germ ?

    I've never had much luck with Jiffy Pots. I like to sow tomato seeds in soil, they're so small that the paper towel route doesn't seem do-able, I think you'd damage the seedling after it sprouted trying to remove it and transplant it. I've had the best luck with tomatoes using soil and like a 4"...
  2. N


    I planted ten Burpee "Porterhouse" tomatoes but only six are up, so I'll replant the four that didn't germinate. What I really need is some kind of defense against the fucking local squirrels who DECIMATED my tomatoes last August. I'm thinking of hiring a squad of attack weasels. Do weasels eat...
  3. N

    Does anyone know you grow?

    Ridiculous question. Of course not. Utter secrecy is a given. No one sees and no one knows.