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  1. P

    Answer any indoor growing questions

    im thimking about adding some flourecents to my grow room in hopes to add the watts per sq. i run metal halide now and im not sure if the math stays the same considering there different lght sources. with my 1000w in a room thats 6x4.5 im getting 37 watts per square. if i add 8 40w flourecent...
  2. P

    Question on lighting

    if i want to raise the watts per sq in my room can flourescents be mixed with halide and use the same math? For example: my room is 7x4.5 and i have a 1000w halide curently in there giving me 31.74w/sq. If i added 8 40w flourecent aqurium grow bulbs would this equal 1320w giving me 41.9w/sq? I...
  3. P

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    im thimking about adding some flourecents to my grow room in hopes to add the watts per sq. i run metal halide now and im not sure if the math stays the same considering there different lght sources. with my 1000w in a room thats 6x4.5 im getting 37 watts per square. if i add 8 40w flourecent...