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  1. R

    isosthesia aka isofluran

    does it have any recreational use similar to k? also how much does it take? and how do you take it? any other info would be appreciated
  2. R

    Swishers not sticking??

    it seems like lately every swisher cigarillo i get lately just isnt sticking at all and once i do get them to stick they slowly unroll while im smoking(i have no problems at all with other cigarillos) first i thought i was the only one having this problem but yesterday a couple of my friends...
  3. R

    Are There Any Long Term Side Effects From 2ci 2ce 2cp ect..

    lately ive been experimenting with various 2c's like 2ci 2ce and 2cp ive read up on them a little but i cant really find anything on long term side effects they can have i was wondering if there are any and if so what are they..also any short term side effects besides a nice trip lol?
  4. R

    What Do You Prefer To Smoke Out Of

    Vaporizer,Blunt,Joint,Bowl,Bong,Bubbler,Steamroller etc. i gotta go with blunts and bongs if im with just 1 or 2 people bong rips are nice but if im smoking with more people i prefer blunts but dont get me wrong i could definetly smoke a fat blunt to the face what do you like to smoke...
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    my friend offered me some methylone and he said it was just like mdma but ive never heard of this drug before he said its pretty close to mdma i was just wondering if i could get some info on this drug some of your expierences with this drug and how should i take it i have 2 caps should i pop...
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    my friend just gave me 2 caps of 2cp they were 5mg each i popped them about 2 hours ago i think im starting to feel it can someone tell me the effects of 2cp and what it feels like? because ive never heard of itb beforre i heard im gonna be tripping for at least 8 hours?
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    Roll In

    im gonna be getting some beans on friday i havent done them in about a year now. im gonna be taking 3 pills i was wondering what would be the best way to take them so i have a intense roll but still last pretty long. also im gonna have 4 blunts i was thinking about smoking one right after i take...