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  1. Dr.Jeckyl

    any one ever hear of shara hade

    ok so i got this strain labeled shara hade and cant find ANY info on it can anybody help me ill post pics later
  2. Dr.Jeckyl

    Dr.grinspoon? any input?

    im a very patient person ill have to get some seeds and give it a shot sometime thanks for the info and pics Auzzie and i love your quote in the sig!
  3. Dr.Jeckyl

    Dr.grinspoon? any input?

    is it worth it though? or should i just find another strain?
  4. Dr.Jeckyl

    Dr.grinspoon? any input?

    i was reading about this bud called Dr.Grinspoon sounded like some pretty dank stuff anyone know anything about this particular strain? ive never had it and im very interested!
  5. Dr.Jeckyl

    Dry or wet? Day Or Night? Indoor questions..

    as far as harvest goes chop em early morning an hour or so before lights turn on, because when lights go on plants absorb sugars from the roots making your bud taste harsh. flush the soil 2 weeks before harvest and don't water em for the last week let them dry out giving them water this close to...
  6. Dr.Jeckyl

    sour diesel, blue widow, jack the ripper, 400w mh

    here are the promised picks! got the scrog setup and all is well, still gotta get that neem oil though.
  7. Dr.Jeckyl

    sour diesel, blue widow, jack the ripper, 400w mh

    I'm still running 24/0 was thinking about switching to 18/6 a but im worried about the temps at night , it gets pretty cold without the light on, ill stop by a hard ware store and pick up an electric heater at some point. thanks for the input german. i re-organized my grow closet for a better...
  8. Dr.Jeckyl

    sour diesel, blue widow, jack the ripper, 400w mh

    as you can see i have some sad leaves and some powdery mildew on my blue widow i heard that neem oil works well to treat milder anyone have input on that? as far as the curling/browning leaves what could cause this ? any ideas? my other plants are fine so whats up with this one?
  9. Dr.Jeckyl

    Jack the Ripper..CaliGrown indoor 400w

    nice plant dude reminds me of my jack XD that was some good smoke
  10. Dr.Jeckyl

    sour diesel, blue widow, jack the ripper, 400w mh

    alright so i have 1 of each of SD, BW, and JTR clones all organic not sure how old they are, haven't been keeping to good of track just been to busy, they are at least 30 days. i have them under a 400w mh 24/0 im using general organics bio thrive 4-3-3 3tsp/gal and 12 drops roots excel/gal in...