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  1. OneCanSam

    The mouse that dropped dead from my weed

    I grew some really nice blueberry and crystal recently, Almost the best buds I've ever grown. So anyway I gave my best friend some of the choicest buds, it was about 90% dry. His wife never goes into the backyard pool shed he has, so he hung the buds in there, I told him that was stupid as the...
  2. OneCanSam

    FINALLY! got my purple PL-L 55watt tubes

    Took me a bit to hunt down these purple plant grow tubes and mix spectrum grow tubes for my Biax PL-L 55w fixture Now I just need to hunt down eight T5HO purple tubes for my T5HO fixture and my hunt for the perfect T5HO lighting will be over. Two foot purple T5HO tubes are easy to get...
  3. OneCanSam

    Cannabis Vending Machine Hits L.A.

    Cannabis Machine Hits L.A. A vending machine for medical marijuana and other prescriptions is making its debut in Los Angeles. Soon the cannabis dispensers will be available throughout California. Jennifer Sabih reports. Link to News video