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  1. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    Day 41 Hey all, Sorry for the two weeks of nothingness but here i think everyone should know the status of our girls!!! Everything is going GREAT since the last update shes getting HUGE!!! And I just wanna thank everyone for all their help because without you guys this woulda never...
  2. James Youngblood

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Lmao my wife was talking about smoking my plant right now!!!!! lmao NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO She said" come on a little bit wont kill it." LMAO!!
  3. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    DAY 30!!!!! Well boys and girls here we are just about the halfway mark for the grow of my lowryder and we are at 8" even, we got a ton of bud sites and we definitely got some High quality (minus light interference) close ups of them!!! so long story short we are doing good and heres the proof...
  4. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    thanks man thought se lost ya lol
  5. James Youngblood

    My First Grow: Lowryder#1

    is that your camera or am i seeing some crystals forming?!
  6. James Youngblood

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Milly did you smoke that shit yet or what?!
  7. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    DAY 24
  8. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    DAY 23!!!! Well Everyone heres the picture we all have been waiting for!!!!! CANNABIS VA-JAY-JAY... Just a one pic update it seems like she loves her new closet open her legs right up for me to see the goods, and that is what we all wait for.... ha seriously whattya think guys/?!! BTW...
  9. James Youngblood

    My First Grow: Lowryder#1

    the smell thing should I'm sad to say get worse and worse but might die down a little before harvest, the plants looking good can you get some pics a little closer to where i would be able to see some pistils?? I've been pretty good at pre-sexing peoples plants these past few days but I would...
  10. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    haha, well yah know terri if you start another plant you might be able to split your time in half, in regards to busyness ya feel me?
  11. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    DAY 22 Just a quick one guys sorry been super busy but any updates better than no update i always say
  12. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    haha, nothing wrong just did what you wer comfortable with at the time, now like i said next time your plant is going to fucking THRRRRIIIIIVVVVEE
  13. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    Thanks it took some time so it means a lot to me, although I think I may need to add some kind of vertical extension for it, or completely cut out the bottom... I need more ROOM!!!
  14. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    Thanks man it was very intense for my first time. ha
  15. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    Day 17 Hello again grow friends, Completed my 1st transplant tonight, and I am pretty happy with how it went. I got a little hung up at first but I was gentle with her and kept everything slow and steady. I set her in the perma-home and these next few days I'm going to keep a close eye on...
  16. James Youngblood

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    And this day has finally come i been here since the first day waiting for the last milly! great grow you did awesome. next time your plant is gonna be 3x as big and 3x as potent because lucy was just you showing off :)!!! +rep im soo excited for you.
  17. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    Well remember I have A MH bulb shining down on this little girl I'm sure you just need to amp up the CFLS, how many and whats the K rating?
  18. James Youngblood

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    DAY 16 Well guys here is another quick one. still running higher temps in the day time been really caught up at work got some time tomorrow will fix them. Shes got some growth to her. sideways and upwards been a good couple days. Im worried about dallas still hasnt broken soil has been...
  19. James Youngblood

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    yeah definitly, also i've seen a guy named rastadred i believe his name is and from what I've seen. He knows his shit when it comes to this time of the plants life.