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    Thai Sativa plant taking a long time to bud in Southern California

    Don't know about you but it's not looking like you are going to get a good harvest out of that. I'll be careful if I was you - looks like Hermie to me... I've marked the suspect ball but still it's too early to tell...

    Willie Nelson popped with 6 oz of pot.

    Man what's this world coming to - just pot? At least some ACID or Mushies too or something. Mind you these "Authorities" never have a clue anyways..

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    Try this one: Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Very easy to grow hardly needs any attention. Used as a fence/hedge plant in any soil imaginable. Cassava cakes are the best cakes in the world too - I'll post a recipe if anyone is interested. Take care of your security and your munchies...

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Oh that was good.... I don't feel so marginalize anymore. Let's hope we get some traction on this issue here in OZ.


    Thanks for the warm welcome

    How to make stubborn Sativas flower faster!!!

    LOL fair enough! Be one with the land man! But seriously - as I said it has it's merits.

    How to make stubborn Sativas flower faster!!!

    That's very true but at the same time you can control how much smoke is released via the amount of moisture in the coconut husk and how big the piece of ember you put on it. Doing it really early in the morning too would probably help. Not too much wind early in the morning. Dried whole Coconut...

    How to make stubborn Sativas flower faster!!!

    Thank you and no worries. Anyways I am here to learn more things. So I am all ears (well eyes in this case) if you have tips you are willing to share about this special plant.

    Current trends

    I know what you mean. I am very stubborn in my ways but it is OK if everyone goes into different directions. Hopefully the road they take is a good one if not then that is also OK. As long is they share it here and we all learn from it. I am seeing the key phrase on you're post there -...
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    How to make stubborn Sativas flower faster!!!

    I beg to differ. There are a myriad of things out there that plants respond to other than Nutes. We have heaps of examples in the wild after all we are talking about a plant here. Examples such as certain Eucalyptus's will only germinate after a fire, mahogany trees will only break open seed...
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    A series of unfortunate events. . .

    Dry it really slow and cure it right. You'll have some goodies there.
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    How to make stubborn Sativas flower faster!!!

    Used to hang around commercial growers (uncles and cousins basically) back in the old country - somewhere tropical. Anyway I learned some things while growing in that part of the world. I remember a nifty little trick to make them flower faster and that is to give them a bit of smoke. Ironic...
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    Yeh some but their really not worth looking at right now. It's only the start of the growing season here.
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    Thai Sativa plant taking a long time to bud in Southern California

    Used to hang around commercial growers (uncles and cousins basically) back in the old country - near where your plant is from. Anyway I learned some things while growing in that part of the world. I remember a nifty little trick to make them flower faster and that is to give them a bit of smoke...
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    Hi my name is E... and I am growaholic. Anyway I'll sit back down now.
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    Making Small Plants

    Naimbag na aldaw! I hope your bonsai grow was a success. Anyway just letting you know that I am interested in the seeds you mentioned. It brings back memories from along time ago - 10+ years if I remember correctly. Sadly I am overseas and as such do not have access to this strain. From...