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  1. M

    Super Lemon Haze 2009 | Journal

    I guess I'll have to check in and out to see what the deal is with flowering growth, thanks for the heads up.
  2. M

    Lighting, will this cause a heat issue?

    I found some reasonably priced ones I think would be a good investment
  3. M

    Super Lemon Haze 2009 | Journal

    How much did the super lemon haze grow after you set them into flowering? Just curious because I'm doing an indoor grow and only have 7 feet tall so timing will be important.
  4. M

    Lighting, will this cause a heat issue?

    Sounds good I think I may test run the 1000w and see what it does temperature wise before I add the plants, if all is good I will add the plants. As they grow if it gets hotter I will add a second and third fan if necessary. I think I will throw a humidity detector like I have for my boa. If it...
  5. M

    Lighting, will this cause a heat issue?

    if I'm running 1 or 2 fans (10 in) up top by the lights with intake at the bottom how far away should the plants be from the light?
  6. M

    Lighting, will this cause a heat issue?

    is it a 1000w though? Are those tents insulated against cops thermal or no?
  7. M

    Lighting, will this cause a heat issue?

    Damn I was afraid to hear that, I really was hoping to keep costs both equipment and electric bill a little lower. What temp should I be shooting for, would two exhaust fans possibly resolve this? Would this be sufficient?
  8. M

    Lighting, will this cause a heat issue?

    Ok heres my setup regarding lighting and ventilation. I recently decided to invest in a good grow system and a good lighting set up (Vs a closet with a BUNCH of fluorescents) This is what it is 4w x 4L 7H insulated with 1000w hps (unless necessary I will get a smaller light) 10 inch...