Search results

  1. Mr Smith

    Smart Meters

    I've been worried about Smart Meters for a few years. I find it odd that Oakland County is getting them first. Hmmmm...lotta potential there. I read on Yahoo news that we can refuse them and pay an extra $30 a month for the meter reader to come out and read the old fashioned kind, which is what...
  2. Mr Smith

    Dinafem Powerkush

    Thanx for the smoke report and pics. I got some Power Kush freebies at HGF in A'dam last summer, but haven't grown them yet. I'll be popping them next sound.
  3. Mr Smith

    My Card Came In The Mail Today

    Hey came today. They got my paperwork on 10/11.
  4. Mr Smith

    My Card Came In The Mail Today

    10/7 heh? that puts mine in perspective. I can stop watching for the mail man.
  5. Mr Smith

    High Times Presents Medical Marijuana Grow Clinic - Michigan

    whatta scam. charge $189 to verbally tell people info they can get for little or nothing elsewhere. It's not like they're handing over major secrets or Cannnabis magic.
  6. Mr Smith

    Card Question

    You have to pay the doctor or clinic. I had to pay $200 at Liberty Clinic in Ann Arbor. You also must have proof of residence like a driver license. So, if you live elsewhere forget about it.
  7. Mr Smith

    My Card Came In The Mail Today

    Rasputin..I'll do that.
  8. Mr Smith

    My Card Came In The Mail Today

    The state received my paperwork on 11 October, cashed the check on 18 October. I hope to see the card in a couple weeks.
  9. Mr Smith

    why wont my hps work in a normal 3prong outlet?

    Has the ballast been dropped on to a hard surface? I once knew the guy that did warrentee work at a local grow shop. He said an ubelievable number of ballasts came in with water inside. One in particular started leaking as he was loosening the screws and water ran all over the floor. A lot of...
  10. Mr Smith

    Clean yo' grinda, fool!

    I recently cleaned my Space Case Titanium grinder with denatured alcohol and a toobrush. Now the ground bud falls right digging. I've had it like 6 years without ever cleaning. Now it's just like new.
  11. Mr Smith

    i have a ballast question

    I'm with Spanishfly on this one. I used various timers over the years.Then I switched to a Relay that's controlled by any old timer that keeps good time.There's no heavy wattage passing thru the timer anymore. The timer only turns the Relay off and on. No more melted timers and associated fire...
  12. Mr Smith

    Root Rot: Should I pull rotted roots off???

    Wrong again. The lower the temperature of the water the MORE gas (O2 in this case) can be dissolved in it. Ever wonder why a cold bottle of Pepsi hardly bubbles when a hot one will foam up? Are all the spelling mistakes an attempt to make it appear to be in your own words? I don't understand why...
  13. Mr Smith

    Reserva Privada KandyKush Grow +Rep for stopping in!'s called Chloramine. I checked my annual water report and our water doesn't contain it, luckily. The only way to get rid of it is with an RO filter
  14. Mr Smith

    Stretching Problems Early On

    New seedlings stretch because they're trying to reach more intense light. Genetics can be a factor, but it's usually because the light source is too far away. I position my T5's right down on top of them and most don't stretch anymore. Upward growth slows and the stem and leaves get bigger...
  15. Mr Smith

    Found a seed in my grinder. What does that mean?

    Carl.Burnett....plants aren't capable of producing seeds in the total absence of pollen. Either a pollen sac formed and you didn't see it, or a tiny granule of pollen found it's way into your grow somehow. It could have ridden on your clothes from someone elses house. Or been on some bud that...
  16. Mr Smith

    Strain Identification

    Cadeneli...U.S. Army, '69-'72...How'd you know I'm a veteran? Metallic? All I know about Metallic is that either Beavis or Butthead wore a Metallica T-shirt.
  17. Mr Smith


    I think you're call is accurate. And I believe "SIRSMOKESTHEPOLE" is what he should be calling himself.
  18. Mr Smith


    You've been here like 4 days....27+ posts a day. A big time dude like yourself should be too busy to spend his time jerking off like this. Or is this all you do? Join forums in a futile attempt to boost your ego by making others feel small. Whatta wanker.
  19. Mr Smith

    Strain Identification

    Good luck with naming that strain buddy. If I could smell it, smoke it, etc....MAYBE I could do it. There's a hot shot wanker here calls himself "The Game" I bet he can name it at a glance.
  20. Mr Smith

    If You Have Or Have Ever Had Spider Mites Read This

    10+ years? me your still a new guy. I grew out doors from 1968 until 1986 when I moved it indoors. 10 years...jeez..big deal. Are you familiar with the word "humility"? I think not.