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  1. jasonlocsouthkorea

    How Do You Grow a Plant with scrog screen?

    ok i understand that you have a net that the crop grows under to keep height down and for light to reach other parts of the canopy etc etc. but what i dont understand is when the plant has grown in between and over the net. how do u feed the plant? like...half the plant is in the net. and half...
  2. jasonlocsouthkorea

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    Greetings From The FarEast- as far as im concerned im like the only marijuana cultivator in my area. marijuana is dead here. anyways welcome to my thread. The seeds have arrived...10 pack of Hashberry from Mandala Seeds. ...and here they are in close-up... They're have been soaking in...