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  1. A Lovely Corpse

    Dana Perino is a fool!

    Did you guys hear this? What idiot would hire her for WH Press Secretary? That's right, Bush is the kind of idiot that would hire her. Crooks and Liars » NPR: Dana Perino Don’t Know Much About History
  2. A Lovely Corpse

    The Sage of South Central Dines With Liberals ...

    It's funny though how Thomas openly acknowledges that he got into Yale Law School because of affirmative action. You could very well make the case that he only got into Holy Cross for the same reason.
  3. A Lovely Corpse

    Global Warming on trial...

    That may very well be true; I was just making an observation. Despite if global warming is a farce or not, evolution certainly isn't.
  4. A Lovely Corpse

    Global Warming on trial...

    “I don’t believe in Darwinism either, but I can argue it as well as any Darwinist.” It seems to me that the vast majority of those who don't believe in global warming discount evolution, too; that's sad.
  5. A Lovely Corpse

    Joe Rogan supports Ron Paul...

    That seems like a good reason not to like Ron Paul to me. Let's just hope Bob Barker doesn't decide to back Guiliani.
  6. A Lovely Corpse

    transplanting help!!!!!

    I transplanted last week on week four, too. They were extemely yellow for the first four days, but they look absolutely fine now.
  7. A Lovely Corpse

    Seeds Please

    Yeah, anything from KC Brains.
  8. A Lovely Corpse

    Things you must believe to be a good Democrat ...

    Yes, Greek - modern and ancient.
  9. A Lovely Corpse

    Things you must believe to be a good Democrat ...

    Could you hook me up with some of that illiterate weed you're smoking?
  10. A Lovely Corpse

    Smoke and bake or bake then smoke

    You have the urge to let your balls hang out after you smoke?
  11. A Lovely Corpse

    Acid Vs Shrooms

    I second that.
  12. A Lovely Corpse

    Nirvana Seeds: Finally Sent My Shit!

    Yeah, fuck Nirvana. As of right now, you could've been three or four weeks out from harvest. They don't owe you some free seeds; they owe you some free smoke.