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  1. K

    Dinafem White Cheese Automatic HPS Grow

    Hey Outlawd, very interested in your post, currently on my second grow also doin a dinafem white cheese along with a few other auto's, the white cheese so far is my favourite, this pups really goin for it!! check out my thread if ya have the time, would love some feedback on em...
  2. K

    Autoflowering Grow - Several different strains

    Quick update on things, on day 25 from when these first three broke ground, alls well for the most part, white cheese (middle one) is looking very promising so far, great side stem growth, its amazing how fast these auto's progress!!! Started seeing bud coming few days ago, so just changed over...
  3. K

    Autoflowering Grow - Several different strains

    Hey Guys, couple of weeks into what i'd call my first real grow, played around with a couple of smaller cfl grows, whilst they went well and yielded decent amounts i figured it was time to step things up. Below is a list of the equipment im using: -400W Hps and metal Halide enclosed in a 5"...
  4. K

    Are We There Yet....LOWBUDGET CFL GROW #2....AK47 and a dutch passion seed

    Hey guys, Second grow on the go here, growing in soil under cfl lighting (not one bulb over 30 wats) growing an Ak47 and a randow seed from Dutch Passion. Above are pictures of the Ak in all its glory, been flowering for 57 days today, for awhile now the top cola seems finished, pistils...
  5. K

    So close, yet so far....HELP ME!!!!

    Hey guys, First time grow on the go: - Nirvana brand white widow seed - growing in a soil/perlite mix - Under 250watts of 2700k cfls (vegg'd under the same amount of 6700k's) - Currently in my second month of flowering....plenty of buds well on way. - Feeding it a 1:3:3 mix of cacti ferts...
  6. K

    Flowering Nutes Question!!

    Sounds like mixin them could be a good idea man, ill give it a go and let ya know how it works out. heard of guys mixin cacti feed with superthrive, probably for the same reason. ill jus go easy on both type of nutes and see how she responds. Cheers for the help guys! Ill post back with pics soon...
  7. K

    Flowering Nutes Question!!

    heres the link darkdestruction, couldnt find a better description> i just need somethin that will work if even just a little, cuz i cant get anything else where i am. Heres a link for the veg nutes i was usin, dunno if i can use this...
  8. K

    Flowering Nutes Question!!

    Thanks aware that high P and low N is good im just weary of what else is in the cacti fert and wether or not it'd hurt my plant. Its Westland cacti feed and it is for succulent plants whatever that wondering would i be safer sticking to a 1/4 strength 7:7:7 as i have...
  9. K

    Flowering Nutes Question!!

    Hey Guys! On 2nd week of Flowering my first ever grow,CFL, Nirvana White Widow....all good so far and its a confirmed female...can i continue to use my 7:7:7 feed (between a half and quarter dosage) throughout flowering, i live in a small town and so good nutrients are hard to come by and i cant...