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  1. sludge factory

    best site to order a bong from?

    haha, I actually don't live with parents. but I don't ship seeds or anything to my house because my grow room's there. but thanks for the tips everyone
  2. sludge factory

    best site to order a bong from?

    okay, so, i was planning on ordering a bong online, but I need some advice as to which site has the best ones. and i also wanted to know, I plan on having it shipped to a friends house, and I've heard stories of people ordering bongs online and having a sticker put on the box that says "glass...
  3. sludge factory

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bumpity buuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppppppppppppp :joint:
  4. sludge factory

    Does anyone know a good website to buy dried opium poppies?

    I've been wanting to buy some, but I haven't been able to find a website that sells them. Does anyone know a good site? Thanks :joint:
  5. sludge factory

    seed opinon

    I really like Nirvana seeds. But if you're looking to try a couple of different strains then I recommend Worldwide Marijuana Seeds. They sell single seeds for a really low price. And if you're sketchy about them, trust me they're not a scam. I've ordered from them 3 times and none of my...
  6. sludge factory

    Should I Get An iPhone 4?

    Yeah, the iphone 4 has had some crazy technical problems. Here's a link that tells you all about the problems with it My friend just got the new Droid phone, and it's pretty awesome. I heard a lotta...
  7. sludge factory

    I'm Gonna Start Rapping For Fun

    pretty sweet! I can't rap for shit, but it sure is hilarious when I try. :D gotta love valium.
  8. sludge factory

    no diagnosis needed,just complaints!

    Maybe if it grows, it'll be a new strain! Call it "Cat-juana" lol
  9. sludge factory

    favorite munchie foods?

    veggie burgers. or any kind of fruit. Or....more ironically, Baked Lays Chips. lol :-P
  10. sludge factory

    Ground Zero Mosque

    Eh, i'm not in favor of building a mosque near ground zero. I'm definitely not racist or anything, but I feel like it'll just add salt to the wound if they build it.
  11. sludge factory

    Black Mamba Smokeable Blend?

    So I went to the Tobacco store today to get some rolling papers, and the clerk there asked me if I would be interested in trying a new product they're selling. He pulled out this stuff called "Black Mamba" and told me it was a type of synthetic marijuana and it's 100% legal. I didn't buy any...
  12. sludge factory

    looking for some strain recomendation

    I checked the site, it says theyre also good to grow outdoors. Ive never grown NL outdoors, but I'm sure it'd be the same as any other plant. As for the shipping, it's pretty discreet. They ship in a plain business envelope. Nothing that says "Nirvana Seeds" on it or anything like that. If you...
  13. sludge factory

    looking for some strain recomendation

    Nirvana has some choice strains. Since you're growing indoors, I recommend their Northern Light. It's indica, and last time I grew NL, it got to be around 2 1/2- 3feet, but had nice big colas on them...
  14. sludge factory

    morning glories

    Ive grown morning glories indoors, and its actually really easy. They require warm temps and lots of light (or sun if you want to grow outdoors) is where I get my seeds. They give you a hell of a lot of seeds for a really low price. Mine were only 3 dollars because I...
  15. sludge factory

    What's everyone been up to?

    I got a new Warwick acoustic bass today! I also got together with a bunch of my buddies and we smoked some real nice bud. I'm not too sure of the strain, but it tasted super skunky to me. :) Other than that, life has been quite good to me.
  16. sludge factory <-- No bullshit fees. 100% free signup. Shit u not, I won $220.00!!!

    i went on this and on my 3rd spin, i got $50! this is so awesome. thanks for showing me this! +rep
  17. sludge factory

    trippin about 2012

    AGH. This should just be a drinking game. For every time someone says "I think the world going's to end in '12" take a shot. Or if you prefer, take a puff lol :joint:
  18. sludge factory

    trippin about 2012

    I just think it's all shit. Whatever happened to Y2k? 2006? People thought the world was going to get hit by an asteroid in 2003. 1984? Jeez, I can keep going with this. People think that the world's going to end every other second. That just goes to show people will believe anything. If the...
  19. sludge factory

    New Chair

    jcpenney's has some amazing recliners. so does lazyboy furniture. I have a chair from there and it's SO AMAZINGLY SOFT. but that shits like 400 dollars for a chair.
  20. sludge factory

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump! i had me some of Sensi Seeds early girl. love that bud. :leaf: