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  1. cossi

    Barney's Coffeeshop - Tangerine Dream

    has anyone found any sound info on tangerine dream yet as i have beans waiting:)
  2. cossi

    How Often Do You Water At Lights Out In Aeroponics?

    i keep mine on 24/7 also ,would also like to know what other ppl do
  3. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    could i get a few answers about trimming please as im not too sure what to do.i dont want to take too much off.
  4. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    sorry didnt mean to offend,i am very greatfull for your answer and was just asking for mor advice off other ppl im not just going to chop my plants to bits without advice off more than one person
  5. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    cheers it not possible that i have spilt any as they are not near the rez. as for the trimming idea im hoping i can get some safe advice from ppl that have done it before. the pics from under the plant are the very front,further in there are a lot of nice buds helped along by the cfl light...
  6. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    just a quick update added overdrive a 2ml per ltr lowered ppm to 1100 as seeing tip burn ph 5.8 water temp 22 the buds are getting quite fat now there is a lot of bud under the canopy and think the cfl has helped a lot the brown on the 3 leaves has not changed so dont think its anything...
  7. cossi

    new to my amazons <<<<click
  8. cossi

    new to my amazons

    no mate chronic x bubblegum clones sorry cant help you on autos mate u can use ppm or e.c the meters tell you both just i only go by ppm but its whatever you prefer just take it slow when increasing the feed as things can go wrong fast but if you take care when making your feed there sould...
  9. cossi

    new to my amazons

    ppm--parts per million its how much food is in the water basicly you will need a meter to check it but it is VERY important that you have one not sure what e.c im at i just use the ppm on the meter but they check both so whatever your happy with
  10. cossi

    new to my amazons

    im using the the 8 pot it is my first ever grow mine are in rockwool and clay and have a solid hold. i use canna aqua and its been very good week 2,3,4,i added big bud im in week 5 and am using pk13/14 for 6 days then going to use overdrive keep an eye on your ppm as mine got burn in veg with...
  11. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    everything going well growth is very good and buds are swelling well the brown on leaves has not got any worse and not spread to any others will keep updated on the grow
  12. cossi

    first grow help needed please some more pics and info
  13. cossi

    first grow help needed please

    Ca has been considered also but im using tap water
  14. cossi

    first grow help needed please

    thanks fr all the advice hillcrest i didnt know that about canna aqua i also dont think its a root prob as they all look very healthy as this is my first grow im just a noob lol
  15. cossi

    first grow help needed please

    anyone have any answers please
  16. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    i hope it is just something like that can any fellow aero growers help on this
  17. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    i agree mate but it is only affecting 1 out of 8 plants so not too sure what it could be everything else is going great besides these few leaves
  18. cossi

    first ever grow,aero,28 days 12/12

    cheers mate ph is 5.7 ppm 1300
  19. cossi

    first grow help needed please

    hi mate strain is chronic x bubblegum clone rez is 60 lt food mixed in a 80 lt bin canna aqua flores a&b big bud week 2 75ml,week 3 150ml ,week 4 150ml week 5 started yesterday and big bud was stopped and pk13/14 added 120ml ph only gets adjusted on rez change and usually rises about .5 the...
  20. cossi

    first grow help needed please

    Thanks for the reply does anybody else av any input just incase its a problem