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  1. S

    Flowering on 18/6 or just pre-flowers?

    They could have sent wrong beans or you got a faulty timer.
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    Led Users Unite!

    If you track down his site and 357 magnums you will find out that they are hosted on the same domain :) Also he made a fake blog with irishboys name and posted his current grow...
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    LED Grow?

    this may not be uk based but based in eu, You may need to use a translator to read. He has two more journals using 600, 360w of leds. It's hard to find sellers that focuses on LED as main business in eu like US. Most growshops...
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    550W Led vs. 20x Green-o-Matic Autos

    Smart pots are good but if u wanna transplant you run into a major problem. The roots grows into the soft fibres of the pot. Real airpots, twist the lock and fold it open, simple as that. I would say airpots are more sustainable. Works just like normal pots except the extra air and rootpruning.
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    Led Users Unite!

    they are sold from their own site, but 180 is only 130w draw.
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    Led Users Unite!

    Unless you wanna import from US, I would recommend , May be unreadable for you since they are based in sweden. But they ship worldwide. There are grows on icmag from Addicted2Grow who use those panels. Since "all" panels to date are basicly the same except different led bins. Some...
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    blackstar 240w how close can it be

    Only way to know is to try it yourself. I would personally put it 8 inches away. 4" sounds a little too close with that kind of power and lens angle.
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    Led Users Unite!

    But how would you react if you bought a 600w hps kit and it only used 300w?
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    Led Users Unite!

    350w to be more exact. I think there are cheaper and better panels to buy rather than SG. Most of the panels are made in same factory but have different configuration.
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    Led Users Unite!

    Depends on what lenses are used and power but generally 8-20inches. Just because there is no emitted heat doesn't mean photons can harm your plants. Also look at the TRUE power usage rather than the marked numbers = theoretically max consumption. *Look at the post before me*
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    Growing with Led Panels

    For that space you probably need 90-150w of LED. 14w Wouldn't do much, especially when it's using low efficient LEDs. Don't listen to manufacturer claims, LEDS are a billion times more effient than HPS. They are maybe 2-3x max. Check out the 383 long thread in indoor grows. "Led Users Unite"
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    New Led Grow Room (8' x 8')

    For optimal lightning you need 50w/sqft ; 1800w per tent and thats HID unless you go vertical. With leds you can go half that. 900w per tent.
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    Led Users Unite!

    They blow in. If your heatsink is finned you can flip the fans and alutape the heatsink and force the air to pass it by before exiting, if you understand what im saying. Some people even flipped the ventilation, intake at the top and exhaust at the bottom to heat up the growarea and cool the...
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    Led Users Unite!

    Don't forget fans, 5-15w?
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    My experimental setup - LED AUTOFLOWER SCROG

    Those ledlights only consume 6.5w each..?
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    These LEDS seem legit to you?

    I would say yes and no. Orange is pretty much useless for growing. They are also overspecifying the capacity; Equal to MH/HPS light 600 to 800 Nor are they specifying true W output, probably 30-40% less than what they are saying. has some good lights that proven themselves, I'm...
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    UK LED users help

    I've only seen one good seller in EU, If you followed the 269 long thread in indoor grow forum you will know whats good and whats bad. Good led companies tells the actual draw and doesn't stretch the lightcoverage numbers.
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    Led Users Unite!
  19. S

    Led Users Unite!

    Tried to find the ebay seller that sold that light but couldn't find it but I found this: also a grow journal, Looks like GLH 2011...
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    we have LED lights. Can they be closer to the plants?

    10-14in .. Too much light will bleach/stunt the growth.