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  1. Mysterie

    Mr.E's Newbie Grow. 3 seeds/2 dead doners. [Help Appreciated]

    Well I'm back everyone! Life got a little more on track! Wish I would of taken advantage of the growing space I had back home though haha. Anyway. So heres the deal, couple of you may remember me from a starter plant I tried back a bit ago. This is what I'm working with right now. :leaf...
  2. Mysterie

    Using foil?

    So im curious if im using foil to make a little light catch in my grow "Box" would I want to use the shiny side or the dull side of the foil to bounce light off of?
  3. Mysterie

    Fans? Needed?

    So I have a 2 day old lil seedling. Havent had a fan on it, just a small CFL light, mixing light sources at the moment to get some more lumens until I can get some more lights and proper supplies. But im curious as to if a fan is even needed? I keep reading about fans, but do they have a...
  4. Mysterie

    Adding more top soil?

    So I have a little seedling that I honestly thought was done for when it got knocked over last night bare roots and all. Moved it to a smaller cup. And it kept growin luckily. Im not sure how tall the little stem is supposed to get. but its gettin a lil taller. Anyway to the point, is it okay...
  5. Mysterie

    Question about pot size. (not plant pot lol)

    So im curious if there is a too big when first potting a germinated seed. bit late for me I've already got a seedling. but I'm going to be reading up on transplanting maybe. Or is it okay to just leave it in the same pot? Just curious im really new to all of this. I'm gettin the basics but still...
  6. Mysterie

    Seedling Q. Late case drop.

    So I got all eager and was foolishly fascinated by the growing process since this is my first grow. kept toying with the soil wondering if I did it right, if it was growing etc. Anyway to the point. I woke up today to the plant about 1" out of the soil which pleased me; however, when I looked...
  7. Mysterie

    Quick Q about Lighting!! Help! lol

    So I posted a thread bout my new lil project. But I currently am gettin pics to upload and edit. So thought i'd ask real quick while its on my mind. I'm just growing one single plant right now, attempting to. And I have this little light bulb for houses. its a swirly florecent light. I think...
  8. Mysterie

    First Time for fun, with CHEAP set up. [Thoughts Welcome]

    Hello everyone, totally stumbled onto this site while reading on how to grow, making compost bins etc. Boredom of being unemployed in a do nothing town. And I like to write so I tend to go off when I type. I conveniently bolded the hot points for those who wanna skim through. Thanks!! SO...