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  1. D

    hash from a male

    hey all, i was wondering if it is possible to make hash out of my male plant, i have searched and googled and read threads all over the place on riu ad everything i find is ALL for female trim and plant matter, i have found some people saying they dried the pollen sacs and smoked them but i just...
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    male plant

    hey all i was just wondering, all of my babies turned out to be hims, i ripped all up except one that i was just to proud of, will i get any usable bud out of a male? i mean this fucker is 13ft tall and about 5 foot wide. anything at all i know it wont be the greatest but id hate to think that i...
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    feminized seeds

    ok thanks everyone, wasnt sure, dont know anything about the seeds and it was just a thought and couldnt find anything so i thought id ask... thanks again
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    feminized seeds

    hey all, was wondering if there is anyway to feminize some seeds, all of my babies came out male, and i can not order seeds, i cant have them coming here with an agent. if it is possible how do you do it and links or info would be greatly apprieciated, thanks.
  5. D

    Updated results of urine fertilizer.

    i've grown with piss and molsses and it works great. her she is, the first is her at about 8 foot, the second is her after i tied her big ass down she is about 10ft now if i stand her back up, the pics are from about a week and a half ago
  6. D

    My plants are budding in the middle of summer why????

    they will flower for about 8 to 12 weeks or so depending on the strains, and there is really no way to guestimate a yield and anyone who says otherwise is full of shit, and if they are 5 to 8ft now, by the time you harvest, you are probably looking at about 7 to 11ft babies, they will continue...
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    can i bud my tree now

    if you want to start her flowering, you will need to clean her up a bit, not too much, too much will cause her stress and she wil stunt her growing for a few days or so, since you have her in a bucket, bring her inside in a pitch black room with i mean ABSOLUTLY NO LIGHT, for 12 hours, any light...
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    The Bigger the plant = the more intense the anxiety.

    the first pic is from a couple days before i tied her down, the next is a few minutes afterwards, i go out every 3 or 4 days and tie it down a little bit more, try to not let it peak over the deck to much.
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    The Bigger the plant = the more intense the anxiety.

    i was just on here about a week ago with that problem, my baby is 2.5 almost 3 months and she was well over 8 foot, i had to go outside and tie her down, i did a little late LST, if you want to know more about LST just do a simple search on here, hundreds of posts and threads about it, and your...
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    flowering nutes question

    ive thought about going organic, but i just dont have the time, and really cant afford it, plus, ive read up on the benefits on both organic and chem. nutes and from what i have read, i believe that i will get a much better yield, with a much higher quality. i have looked into fox farms and...
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    flowering nutes question

    hey all, how goes it? so i was wanting to use some ff tiger bloom, but i can not buy it in my area, it is just not available. so i was wondering if anyone would have a suggestion on what else i could use, my babies started to flower 2 days ago, and i have been on the hunt for ff nutes since i...
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    Sargent Mowinsteins Outdoor Grow "DOIN IT BIG"

    oh and also you are going to give your babies nute burn using the nutes at the strenght you are using them, you want to cut that back to 1/4 strength of the suggested use strength
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    Sargent Mowinsteins Outdoor Grow "DOIN IT BIG"

    you dont want to use sugar, you want to use blackstrap mollasses, you can pick that up at your local grocery store for about 2 dollars a pint, and you want to mix it 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water, you'll have to do the math for your metric measures. and if you really want to increase your...
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    friggin heat

    i feel your pain, we hit the same today, 110, and tomorow and the next day are going to get worse, but we are supposed to have some good rain the next couple days too, my baby realy doesnt seem to mind the heat much, her roots must stay quite a bit cooler than the plant because, right where she...
  15. D

    she is getting to tall.... what can i do?

    ok so i got her tied down, here is a couple pics sorry about the quality its a bit sunny out today i tried to get one in while a cloud was blockin the sun. the first is from before i tied her down the second 2 are afterwards, does it look good to you? i was afraid to go any further without...
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    mysterious dark orange hair

    possibly a pre-mature flower
  17. D

    she is getting to tall.... what can i do?

    i just went out and got her tied down, she is at a little more than a 45 degree it brought her height dow to about 4 foot for now so i really think that this is goin to work out for me, thanks so much for the help... + rep again for you my friend.
  18. D

    she is getting to tall.... what can i do?

    yeah i think after reading a bit more im going to opt out off topping anymore, all i have topped so far is the one time about 6 weeks ago and im happy with that, im definatly going to tie her down.
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    she is getting to tall.... what can i do?

    that has me rollin, good shit doggy, i guess its kinda the same as a 40 something goin out and buying a corvette, well there is no room for that around here, i prefer to just let me grow do the talking and thanks to all the helpful people on here a feel good about mine and cant wait to share...
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    she is getting to tall.... what can i do?

    so i should just go through and top every branch that has new leaves? ive been wondering about doing that but never thought about it to hard. ill try it thanks. + rep