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  1. P

    Regulating heat in fruiting chamber

    I want to start growing mushrooms soon, but the problem I am having is that I am currently living in my parents basement until I start grad school. The basement isn't insulated very well and it can get pretty cold at times during the winter. How would I go about keeping the mushies at the proper...
  2. P

    Advice Mushrooms

    Ok guys, I need some advice. My cousin wants to take some shrooms with me on Sunday. I have taken shrooms like ten times and only had one semibad trip, but I havent taken them in like a year and a half. Im confident Ill be fine, but Im slightly worried about my cousin. He has smoked weed a...
  3. P

    Help, Stomach Ache From Shrooms

    Every time I take shrooms I always end up with a stomach ache. Does anyone else experience this? Does anyone know any way to prevent this stomach ache or even make it less severe?
  4. P

    Who supports the War on Drugs?

    Seeing as this is RIU I know none of you support marijuana being illegal, except for the greedy growers who do it for their own financial interest. My question is how many of you support other drugs being illegal. If so why do you support it?
  5. P

    HPS vs MH

    Im thinking of starting a grow op and I don't know what kind of lights I want to use. I am only going to use one type of light and I was wondering what type is better, MH or HPS? I am only growing a couple of plants so I don't really need a lot of wattage, I just want what will be the best for...
  6. P

    Blackberry or BlackJack

    Im thinking of starting to grow for the first time. I have access to both Blackberry and BlackJack seeds. I plan on using the scrog method. Which of these strains is better? Are these strains good for a first time grower? If not, are there any other strains I should look into? Any input would be...