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  1. prizmatik420

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    i got a seedling almost 2 weeks old. gonna move that girl out this week hopefully. the weathers starting to be blazing. been waiting for months now. i guess growing season is finally here!! good luck all
  2. prizmatik420

    Bulk monotub shroom grow.

    hey floridasucks. just wondering- that last picture. what is that? is it psychoactive?
  3. prizmatik420

    A Complete Pictorial & Editorial Shroom Grow!

    im sub'd for this one. i've been thinking about doing this for a year now. just waiting till the situation is right and all. i wish u mad luck! grow them fungi !
  4. prizmatik420

    A Case Full Of Glass

    reminds me of a tripping bannana slug:hump:
  5. prizmatik420

    Glass Tokers

    can't find pics of my old glass. here's the bowl i been using since september
  6. prizmatik420

    Morning Glory Seeds

    also. if your doing that polar extraction with the naptha. remember to let the naptha evaporate COMPLETELY from the seed mush before you hit it with the alcohol phase of the extraction.
  7. prizmatik420

    Did Just Fuck Me!??

    wow, i've orderd a few hundred worth of glass from grass city in the past. always sent my shit =( i feel bad for you bro,,,and i feel worse about whatever happened to that poor bong where ever it may be..
  8. prizmatik420

    morning glory seeds

    would lemon juice be too acidic and hurt the LSA? also, just in my experience, i thought one would always wish to acquire the true hawaiian strain of the woodrose. ghanna and the other strains were very low in lsa. (just what i remember its been a while) and i dont believe bouncing bear sells...
  9. prizmatik420

    Morning Glory Seeds

    if your going to do a water extraction they have to be ground up. the water wont penetrate the seed shell to extract the LSA.
  10. prizmatik420

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    NeL's guerilla grow 2010 - Marijuana Growing i was reading this grow the other day. This dude uses motballs.
  11. prizmatik420

    Morning Glory Seeds

    for morning glory seeds, i'd say use about 500 seeds. i always chewed em up usually [nasty] but i was always tripping on robo at the same time so that helped and reallly enhanced the trip. your going to want to wash the seeds first, rinse them and such to make sure no chemicals or anything are...
  12. prizmatik420

    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    this is definitely the inspiration i needed for my dreams. Subscribed
  13. prizmatik420

    Cop Forum

    these fucking pigs make me sick
  14. prizmatik420

    Everyone In This Forum Read!!!!!!!

    i used to do dxm ALOT.. like between 1 and 5 bottles( gels, syrup, zicam, box of C's) a day for about 4 years, usually leaning towards the high doasages..started out good , fucked me over hxc in the end. in retrospect- i fucked up. but anyway- if u want to trip some balls easily. here's a fun...
  15. prizmatik420

    Research Chemical Availability (Chart)

    i've lived in this location for 6 years now and have only met a few people that used to be able to get acid years ago. it really sucks.
  16. prizmatik420

    Hot boxing...

    my car has been out of commision for a while. it's all tagged up and banged up so its just been sitting till i fix it and get my license back. so me and my friends will just sit in there listen to the ipod touch and box that bitch up. :joint:
  17. prizmatik420

    men who shave their bush

    lmao. funny shit. i've never tongue jacked a shit box, but who knows- maybe i'll find the right girl someday.
  18. prizmatik420

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    just curious. how does one get to an island with no boat access? bongsmilie
  19. prizmatik420

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    i've never tried the outdoor route before but plan to this year. i got 1 seedling started right now. been popped for a week and a half. my living situation isnt ideal for growing so i have it under 1 bigger sized CFL and plan to put it outside during the warm days for now( it's going to be in...