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  1. S

    found a problem i havent seen before and need some help to diagnose this one!

    turns out they were simply rootbound lol ya i took those pics to a grow shop i know that will actually discuss marijuana and as soon as i told him he could see it was rootbound. sure enough when i transplanted they had roots covering the sides thanks to those of you who tried to help though
  2. S

    found a problem i havent seen before and need some help to diagnose this one!

    bump anyone else think they can help diagnose this?
  3. S

    found a problem i havent seen before and need some help to diagnose this one!

    yes but they are only getting half dosage because they seemed to have plenty of nutes with just that. and thats every other watering
  4. S

    found a problem i havent seen before and need some help to diagnose this one!

    alright im about a month into vegging and just a day ago these brown spots started to appear on a few of my plants leaves. its nothing like the burns ive researched so im coming to you guys(or girls if there any that reply to this) for a little help on diagnosing and helping me with this...
  5. S

    im thinking heat damage on my leaves, tell me what you think

    alright thanks for the help guys! lol the freezer thing is might actually be a bad idea. cause with heat plant cells dry up and fall apart basically. with freezing the cells expand and burst. so xum id advise against the freezer idea if you ever get heat burn(i hope you dont have to go through...
  6. S

    im thinking heat damage on my leaves, tell me what you think

    alright two days ago my plants where put outside and someone left the humidity dome on it. i found it about 30mins later and the temp read 150 inside it. so im thinking that cause heat damage to my leaves and now the leaves affected are dying off. tell me what you think about this. my first grow...
  7. S

    Seedling is wilted over! What happened?

    well i buried both of the seedlings but one seems to have died. this one seems to show signs of life still.maybe it will make it. this is only 1 full day after the transplant into soil. tell me what you think
  8. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    im going hydro actually so no soil. any other way i can do this?
  9. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    well let me now if you figure it out before me then boys n da hood lol cause its driving me crazy!
  10. S

    Seedling is wilted over! What happened?

    so its about 9 days since germination and they have aready grown abnormally tall. but yesterday i woke up and checked on them and they were all laying down wilted. the humidity dome i had over them was dry so im guessing thats partly why. any help would be greatly appriciated! these are the pics...
  11. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    this is the worst of the two. ive propped it up like you said but you can see in the other pic how frail the bottom of the stem looks
  12. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    alright i really need some help and quick because when i checked them this morning they were all still wilted over and one had shriveled up. so i have two left but the stem near the root seems to be shriveled. it has no strength as is the reason why the plants cant stand up. some help!
  13. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    lol ya just looked it up. the leaves are called cotyledons and are used for photosynthesis well you learn something new everyday lol
  14. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    but it stretched out like that from when it first sprouted. ive read that they dont need light as sprouts or even when they have the first 2 leaves because the first 2(i forget what they are called) are only there to produce energy and nutrients for the plant. then it needs the light when its...
  15. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    alright i ll try an inch closer and see how the plant reacts. would you know why my sprouts grew so tall? could it be just because its a genetically tall plant?
  16. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    oh inches sorry im just use to using that
  17. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    it was about 3" away. its only a 40w flor
  18. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    alright ill try that tonight then. thanks for the tip!
  19. S

    First time grow trying to do things right the first time =p

    had a small incedint this morning. when i woke up and checked on the sprouts they had wilted over. the humidity dome was dry. i think the light i had on it was too close and evaporated all the water inside. so now ive propped them back up and have them back under the humidity dome. they should...
  20. S

    what is the sex of this plant?

    id say from what i know that they are female