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  1. P

    Good strain advice?

    Kaya Gold is a excellent suggestion thanks. Defiantly going to pick up 5 fems. Still looking for a couple more strains before the summer
  2. P

    Good strain advice?

    So im going to be planting near a little stream that runs off a river. Gonna skatter plants to make it inconspicuous. Im looking for a strain that flowers early, can handle a little frost and isnt too fussy about too much or too little water + high yields. I know im asking alot, but I know...
  3. P

    Hey buddy, noticed you are a seasoned outdoor vet and was wondering if I could pick your brain...

    Hey buddy, noticed you are a seasoned outdoor vet and was wondering if I could pick your brain. With your experience what strains have been able to withstand a couple frosts and also finish somewhat early. Im in southern Alberta Canada and have such a shorter season with random frosts. Thanks...
  4. P

    OD growing questions, plz help

    Thanks alot Scar! help is much appreciated. Will that mix be ok for wicking up water from the bottom? Also i was thinking the plants might get root bound in the buckets... so what about digging them into the ground and cutting decent sized holes all around to promote them growing into the...
  5. P

    OD growing questions, plz help

    With this setup it is impossible to flood. Check out the vid, pretty funky stuff.
  6. P

    OD growing questions, plz help

    So I have a spot picked out by a river. I will be using a siphon system like this one so water will be delivered automatically from the river. with 5gl buckets. I will start my beens inside and then plant. I will not be returning to my spot and need to...