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  1. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    YO! Ya , thanks for that SICC. I've put the plant BACK on Nutes and I've kept it at 12/12 I'm a bit lazy about the lights as I left them were they were before I cut the top half down. Whatever though, it's bright as hell in there :P The nuggs seem to be getting thicker now. So yes, I think it's...
  2. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Here are the PICS of the first round HARVEST where I only cut down the top half of the plans....
  3. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    END of WEEK 18 since Germination (FLOWERING - END Of 9th Week) Ok! Sorry it's been so long since I posted. So fucking busy. I started to spend less and less time with the plant... BUT...I have a GOOD update anyways. So bout 2-3 weeks ago, a BUNCH of the fan leaves turned yellow and got cripsy...
  4. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    WEEK 15 since Germination (FLOWERING - START Of 6th Week) Hmm...trying this out... Pics tomorrow I wanna know how much longer I need to flower? Video Link:
  5. SpiderBall

    First round AeroGarden.

    Yo dude, too bad they were male. You did a great job with them, they looked awesome. HUGE leaves. I'll check back on the soil. I'm curious now that I'm nearing completion of my first AG. lookin great!
  6. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Done! Ok, I just added 1 more CFL, except this one is a 75W equiv Soft White. So now it's... 4 x 100Wequiv Soft Whites 1 x 75Wequiv Soft White 1 x AG hood I re situated a pair of the 100's. I installed a little hanger from the celing and I got the lights hanging from that now. check out the...
  7. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    @ SICC - Yo, so there are 4 x 100w Equiv Soft White CFL's + the AG Hood I had to turn the 2 that are on the right side off last night cause the plant is SUPER tall now and I have to mount those lights from the ceiling now...prolly gonna do it now actually... @ KappnKush - Dude, the post before...
  8. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    7/18/10 - Start of WEEK 13 since Germination (FLOWERING - START Of 4th Week) OK! Not much to report. All is holding up well. I notied a couple yellow / brown tips on the plant last night. Kinda bummed me out cause I was so happy I hadn't seen it at all up until now. Well, it MIGHT be becuase...
  9. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Thanks Mr. Natural and thanks SICC!!! Ya I'm super happy with how it's turning out. My only sad thing is that I'm so busy and just don't get the time I'd like to be around it more :) Ok, I'm about to post pics for this week! No real updates or news...but got some pics. Thanks again!!!
  10. SpiderBall

    First Grow Ever- Aerogarden Veggie Pro (help and advice Appreciated)

    Yo I cut the little nub off the bottom of my little moss thing... ACtually.......I cut it off one and not off the other. The one that I cut, the roots went right down into the water. The one that I didn't cut, the roots got caught in the moss and started getting smashed, not finding the water...
  11. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Ok, it was HSA that got me to fix my clones :) Thanks dude!! ^_^
  12. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Sup Continuation UPDATE Ok, so here's a continuation update from my last. I had alot of shit to do with things and tonight I got around to doing them and wanted to get some updated pics up. Things I did: I was using gift ribbon to tie my fuking CFL from the closet hanger..... I finally...
  13. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Yo dude, Np. Just subscribed to your grow. Bout to post some pics I just took...
  14. SpiderBall

    First round AeroGarden.

    Ya lets see some pics. I bet they'll be fine. I've read how resilient these plants are and I feel I've seen it with my own eyes a couple times with my current grow......keep em going!
  15. SpiderBall

    First Grow Ever- Aerogarden Veggie Pro (help and advice Appreciated)

    Yo, for Vegging I used 4 x 100w Equiv Day Light CFLs + the AG Hood. I actually started with only 2 of the CFLs, then added the 3rd and then the 4th as they were needed. For flowering I am using 4 x 100w Equiv Soft White CFL's + the AG hood. I MAY add another 1 or 2 of these Soft Whites into the...
  16. SpiderBall

    Help with cloning!

    Np, just check out my grow. I'll put updates there on them. I need to do something when them though...cause I'm sure all the transparency in the glass is gonna cause the roots to rot... I need to take both clones and move them into something appropriate...or I'll lose them I think...
  17. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    I'd have to go in there and measure it...but the girls are sleeping right now :P I'd say like...3 feet? I have to detach the lights tonight. Gonna set up another set of CFL's also, right in front of the plants cause it looks like the front is getting limited light... I'll take some pics. I think...
  18. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Thanks for the post dude. Ya, they're pretty damn big :P I vegged for a super long time. not sure if you've seen the other grows on this forum before but I'm not too worried just yet as I've seen some MONSTER plants come out of the AG. Is it too late to prune once in flowing state? I don't...
  19. SpiderBall

    SpiderBall [First Time] Aerogarden Grow Journal

    7/11/10 - Start of WEEK 12 since Germination (FLOWERING - START Of 3rd Week) Ok, not much to report except the girls are doing GREAT!. Cehck out the pics... OH WAIT. something last week. NOTE TO SELF!!!! MUST WATER PLANTS JUST AFTER LIGHTS COME ON AND AGAIN JUST BEFORE LIGHTS GO OUT. Last...