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  1. fly garrett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Whassup Buds!!!! Good to see a UK thread on here. May actually get some useful answers lol. Got a couple of Q's.... 1) How do I make a carbon filter? 2) Who makes a good, SILENT, cheap(ish) extraction fan. Building a room for Autos (been getting good results with Lowryder2) on permanent...
  2. fly garrett

    4-day bud dryer

    LOL... I love the word Schmuck! Never knew what it meant, just heard it in films. And you're right... the only schmuck here is the one effectively wasting his doob by not curing it.:peace:
  3. fly garrett

    Buying seeds online?

    Cheers Ta.
  4. fly garrett

    Plagron Royalty Mix?

    Has anyone used this? Is it any good for clones? Thanks
  5. fly garrett

    Buying seeds online?

    I'm based in the UK and want to buy some seeds online cos the shop round here too damn expensive! Can anyone recommend anywhere? Thanks in advance :bigjoint:
  6. fly garrett

    Is mineral water any good?

    Just wondering if mineral water such as Evian etc is any good for plants? May be able to get a large amount of it but not sure if it's balanced right? Anyone?
  7. fly garrett

    HELP! 1st time cloner

    I've got a shade from the back window of the car hanging between the light and the prop so they quite shaded and not under intense light.
  8. fly garrett

    HELP! 1st time cloner

    LOL! Thanks man. I've put the more yellowing ones into the Plagron now to see if they can draw anything from that. Fingers crossed...:-?
  9. fly garrett

    HELP! 1st time cloner

    OK... I have 7 cuttings that were taken on March 14th (2 weeks ago) They went into RootRiot cubes with a squirt of Root!t gel then into a propagator in my growroom under 400w sodium 24/7. Humidity in the prop is 24C-28C. There has been new growth although no roots showing through cubes yet...