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  1. M

    Can any1 help me figure out my room situation?

    ozone generator for the garage.... and a small fan in the room blowing the cool around so it doesent get sucked straight out
  2. M

    Ventilation Setup (With Pics)

    I would use cfl for grow and hps for flower..... it looks like a good space, 1 400w hps is good for 1-2 plants in a 4foot by 4 foot space, your room is 2x that size, so get a 600w hps or devide a 4x4 spot in one corner so the light is not to spread out over a large area.... hope this helps with...
  3. M

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    I wish u left the leaves on one plant , so we and u could see the differance, ether way
  4. M

    is purple a prob
  5. M

    My new experiment

    I'v read about probs in veg, the only thing that it could of been was 24/7 light, never read about prob with18/6 24/7 seems not natural to me ,but I have no first hand ex with it
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    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    not shaw havent had much of a look, just look on ebay , there is 10000s
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    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :) this would be good for small grow
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    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)
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    My new experiment

    yar I'm in pics please
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    help!!! think i set up my room wrong, bad lighting???

    I dont have a grow thread , hear is some pics I'v got 1x1000w in cooltube+ a 400w just hanging down for side lighting . I like the cooltube, lots of ppl dont because it takes 5% of the lumes , but if u can get 30%...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    this will make u smile
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    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    this is a dear one get as cheep as $40
  13. M

    Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

    Mr west my I have a minute of your time+lacey have a look at this ?
  14. M

    help!!! think i set up my room wrong, bad lighting???

    looks good, same size as my flower room,just a couple of little things 1... lift duct , thats on end of cooltube, so no shadow ( in last pic) 2... try to shorten+straitern duct from carbon filter to exit(not important) but may need next size up, 3... get one of the fans up to just above canopy...
  15. M

    Plant drooping, Entering veg state, 3 gallon pot.

    I carnt see a prob, just the oppersit, looks G8.
  16. M

    First Outdoor Grow this plant had 40g dry 1 1/2 ounces, does your estermate count stem,leaves wet, I'm not trying to be smart, what makes u say 1/2 ounce??
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    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    CBbuddy : I hope i'm not steping on your toes by being involved so much in your thread, I will back off abit , soz
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    First Outdoor Grow

    that poor thing, hope u get enough for one joint, I carnt think where to start with advice(to much) and its to late to help,soz there is allways next year.
  19. M

    White Rhino - Coco grow with FLuero Tubes.

    half nutes is a bit much , go 1/4 for next one, if any that small thay dont need much (if any), cheers mate
  20. M

    Drooping, curling, yellowing leave edges. Should I be concerned?

    dont flower just yet, fix nut porb first, flush , weight 2 days, flush agan until run off water is same PH as water put in, then light nute feed with veg nutes,weigth 2 days, then flower you might wont to get EC pen