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  1. LEDcuzIcan

    LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge

    if possible could we get a close up of an LED nug when you post the hps weights and pics??? thanks cali +respect:clap:
  2. LEDcuzIcan

    BOOST THREAD *DO NOT READ* in fact.. delete this..

    i apparently need x amount of posts to pm ... and im a cheater, hence BOOSTING
  3. LEDcuzIcan

    LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge

    INDOUBIDIBLY!!!!!... i even went so far as to read this same journal on every site i could.... and read every different communities love and moreover the HATE towards cali and the stupid acusations... CHILDISH! which was what LED me to make an account here and finally put my 2 cents in...
  4. LEDcuzIcan

    LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge

    CALIBUDS DUUUUDE MAN I CANT TAKE IT! i just want to know ! PLEASE UPDATE... weights and more pics AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! AAHHAHRHRAHRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Awesome grow man!...... i have read all the LED grows i can find, EVERYWHERE and all the back and forth love/hate.... im extremely intrested...
  5. LEDcuzIcan

    read both led journals, and i concur, good fucking show dude.. i got some q's but ill pm

    read both led journals, and i concur, good fucking show dude.. i got some q's but ill pm
  6. LEDcuzIcan

    LumiGrow ES 600w Challenge

    CALi cmon man lol..................... im dying!!! need the counts! ... sorry, i KNOW YOUR BUSY...... sigh. he he whooo he he whoooooo