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  1. N

    Plants are males! Bummer! What to do?

    Cheers Thought i mite be wasting my time, its crap months wasted! o well all experience i suppose, wont ever use unfemisied seeds again!
  2. N

    Plants are males! Bummer! What to do?

    Hi i have been growing my first crop now for a few months, the plant have been in florwering for about a week now and are 100% males. CRAP I was thinking about making some hash out of them! Is it worth my time or am i just wasting it? Do you have to dry the plants out to make the hash...
  3. N

    Hi, I have just done me first grow, Unfortunatly they are both males and im kicking myself for...

    Hi, I have just done me first grow, Unfortunatly they are both males and im kicking myself for not buying feminised from the start. Do i just chop em up and chuck them out? or is it worth a try trying to make them into some hash? Do you have to dry the plant out if you are going to make...