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  1. N

    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    Yea I haven't really had a mold problem yet. Just the leaves that were all in a bag right after I cut it, the rest of the buds were hung to dry and appear fine. Only one bud had a slight problem and it was the one that was separate from the rest since i tried to smoke it right after I cut the...
  2. N

    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    Thanks that was very helpful. I will just keep shuffling them around and opening frequently, it is my first grow so I really don't want to screw it up at this point. Also I understand fully what you mean about THC being higher after moisture is out. I tried to smoke some right after i cut it...
  3. N

    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    Also id much rather make a mistake on the side off too dry vs moldy so right now I am opening jars 2-3 minutes twice a day. If I up that to 15 minutes three times a day that should greatly decrease my chance for mold right? I refuse to let mold steal my baby, id much rather it be harsh smoke...
  4. N

    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    Thanks for the tips. I was just thinking, I have a temp/humidity reader with a dangling metal thing I can use to read in a certain area. I was going to try dangling it in my jar at various times (after overnight closed, after a few minutes or airing out etc). What should I be looking for...
  5. N

    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    Well the buds I did air out and dry and they seem pretty dry. It was the leaves I cut for hash. I threw them in a plastic and let them sit which clearly didnt work. So far the buds have no mold and are pretty dry the to the touch. I just checked on them and they feel dry. I tried to space...
  6. N

    Help with Long term storage in mason Jars

    I just finished my first grow and let it dry on a string for 5 days and then moved it to mason jars yesterday. I have been opening them for a few minute twice a day but was wondering what is the best method for long term storage nad how do i know when its ok to seal them up for good? Also any...
  7. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    Well its dry and ready for long term storage. I currently have it all in mason jars after 5 days of drying and will open twice a day. Any helpful tips for long term storage (longer the better) please let me know. I know, cool temp, no sunlight. They will be stored in my dark closet. But id...
  8. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    Here is what I got off her. Still waiting a day or two to weigh it since it isn't fully dry. Looks more than an ounce though. Maybe more than 2.
  9. N

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How about my baby? Looking at these make me think I should have better lighting on my pics and not take them after spraying the leaves.
  10. N

    What store sells Mason Jars?

    Thanks for the help everyone, but I found some at Christmas Tree Shops and they were glass too. Cheap as hell if you ever are looking for them. 1.5L glass jars with airtight latch seals for 2.99.
  11. N

    What store sells Mason Jars?

    Hi thanks for all the replies. I actually have one right now and realized the sticker was still on the bottom. I got it from the Christmas tree shop so I could go there to get more, but I realized it is plastic. I read that you were supposed to use glass mason jars. Does it make a big...
  12. N

    What store sells Mason Jars?

    I am looking for the glass/plastic ones with rubber rings and a latch to seal them closed tight to store some buds. I tried Walmart and Homedepot and they didn't have them. Any idea what store sells them? I live near Philadelphia so most big chains are somewhere near me.
  13. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    Ohh and I flushed her on Friday with a ton of water and won't be giving any more nutes. Just water Tuesday morning and then when she goes to bed at 8:30 Tuesday night I will leave her in the dark until Friday Morning and wake her up with a sharp knife.
  14. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    Thanks, it is about 30 inches tall. I'll be chopping her on friday (21st) and taking my first sample next Friday (28th). Ill try and get some pics of the cutting process this Friday and hopefully ill have a very stoned post on the 28th after she is all weighed.
  15. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    Day 61 of Flowering. My baby is doing fine. Looking plump, juicy and smells delicious. Planning on giving her the last feeding of nutes saturday and hopefully harvesting on friday morning. Going to leave her in the dark for a day or two before harvest.
  16. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    Thanks. I am using a HPS but its only 50 Watt. It is combined with 3 42 Watt CFLs. Also they aren't multiple girls, its just one big girl. :) Wow you are growing a lot of plants. Those look nice. For my first time I just went with a solo grow, even an ounce would last me 6 months to a year.
  17. N

    Green House Big Bang First time grower

    Day 50 of Flowering: Plant is doing fine, had a slight mold problem but it was only on the dead leaves that fell into the soil. Cleaned out all the dead leaves and she is looking fine.
  18. N

    Mold problem, need advice

    Thanks, i would have taken pics but I promptly removed all the dead leaves and mold. It wasn't a lot of mold, just a little bit on the tips of the leaves touching the ground.
  19. N

    Mold problem, need advice

    Anyone have any idea about this?
  20. N

    Mold problem, need advice

    Hi, I am currently about 48 days into flowering on my Big Bang. It has been doing well but I had a slight mold problem I just noticed. I think its minor but please let me know. I know mold tends to spread and all but my growing conditions are 70-80 degrees with 35-50% humidity The mold I...