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  1. M

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Dazed and Confused. I'm amazed nobody's mentioned that one yet.
  2. M

    NO! On Prop 19

    The question that needs to be asked with regard to those who oppose Proposition 19 is "who benefits?" Legalisation has got to be better for everyone than prohibition, both in the short and long-term. Prohibition has never worked and never will. It would be ironic if legalisation doesn't come to...
  3. M

    NO! On Prop 19

    "Al Capone didn't want prohibition on alcohol to end either!" I think you've just summed up the argument against Proposition 19 perfectly there.
  4. M

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    It's an interesting argument but I really don't see legalisation leading to economic problems, if anything the opposite is true. I can see the logic in proposing decriminalisation as a first step, then if it's a success go for full legalisation.
  5. M

    NO! On Prop 19

    I think it's overly optimistic to say the least to hope for a federal law to be passed first before legalisation on a state level. If legalisation is ever going to happen it will be a step by step process. The establishment obviously has a very ingrained bias against cannabis and a lot of vested...
  6. M

    Audio: Will Medical Marijuana Lead to Legalization or Permanent Medicalization?

    Thanks for the link, that was a very thought-provoking lecture.
  7. M

    NO! On Prop 19

    It seems like a lot of people can't see the wood for the trees. Proposition 19 is a watershed that will have far reaching effects not just in the US but worldwide. Surely it's better to get it passed into law then build on the platform from there rather than allowing it to fail at the first...