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  1. I

    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    thanks for your answer it really helped me alot, even thou I´m not gonna be able to use R-8 as to a relatively low budget the most I can use is 50mm thick polystyrine but thanks anyway you did help me alot
  2. I

    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    Thanks for clearing this up for´em, but I´d still be very pleased if I´d get a descent answer. But maybe I figured out how to heat the pleace up, look I´m gonna drill a 20 inch hole thru the wall seen on the right side on the picture with the second door. There´s a living space behind that wall...
  3. I

    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    Ok so I finally found my camera, made a few shots and posting´em up as we speak. The questions regarding these shots are in my previous comment. Thx for all possible answers, and do have in mind that I´d like to have this finished by the end of november please someone help me. -...
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    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    Ok, listen up everyone. I´ve got ventilation figured out, I´ve got everything thought thru, exept I´m not sure if a 600W HPS with 92000 lumens is suficient enough to give enough light a room witch is 8" long, 5" high and 3", I´d also like to know if the 600W HPS is hot enought to warm up a...
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    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    they can get es low as -10 degrees celsius, I don´t know that´s about 60 degrees farnheit
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    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    OK but, if I would cut this space in half I´d need to lights, whitch I can´t have due to low cashflow and also because I couldn´t pay my electric bill - I know I´m a cheap bastard, but Do you think one 600w HPS(with a wider spectrum of light) with 95000 lumens would keep 6 plants happy and...
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    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    My room is 8 feet long, by 5 feet high by 3 feet wide, I was hoping the light would keep the room hot enough, but I think buying a Small heater with a termostat Teplovzdušný ventilátor HYUNDAI CON 09 T za 970,- Kč | would keep a room with 120 cubic feet hot enough. But...
  8. I

    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    anyone.... ?
  9. I

    My Grow Room Desing (questions)

    Yo people, I got my self a place that I could grow in big-time, but I´m not sure about a few things regarding it. The room´s dimensions or 8x5x3 foot and a volume of about 120 cubic feet. It´s not a part of my house, therefore it´s not heated. I´d like to know if I were to insulate it t´with 2"...
  10. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    Well, it looks like my little closet(or rather small cabinet) grow project is hiting a dead end. ´Cause I got my self a new plan. I live in a familly house and we´ve got basemeant, whitch aslo has an exterior little room, you enter it from the outside it´s not heated but it´s got enought room...
  11. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    Here there are people growing outdoors but it´s not very high quality
  12. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    I´m planning on growing in soil, about the strains I´m not sure I was supouse to get a clone from my friend(don´t know what strain) he´s an outdoor cultivator and he lost his plant due to theft... where from europe are you ?
  13. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    Ye, but I´m not sure, cause the sog method seems like a lot o work, and I just¨ain´t sure I´d have the time for it. I´ve got school to atend to + my job.
  14. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    Hey thanks alot you really helped me
  15. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    Btw, since I says I´d bring more questions I´ve got one, and I´m really confused ´cause I don´t know what to think. Look I would like to know if I were to have a HPS light, if I could use the same bulb for vegetation and for flowering, cause the bulbs aren´t exatly the cheapest things on the...
  16. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    Ok, I finally found a Czech web page that sells these HPS lamps, I´m sorry if I thought wrong, cause I thought it was all about the bulb that I could fit it in any home lamp. But since I had trouble finding what you people discuss here on a czech web page I missunderstood. Sorry. Well I know...
  17. I

    My Grow Room, newbie mistake or posible good idea.

    Thanks very much for yor answer, speaking of a halogen light, not using it, but I was thinking of a HPS 400W with 56 600 lumens High Presure Sodium bulb | MASTER SON-T PIA PLUS E 400W E40 | but I´m not sure, cause as you can see on the picture, it has a normal socket E40...
  18. I

    400w Hps

    Thx for your answers, but I´m not planning on using an HID (High intesity discharge), I was planing on using HPS(High presure sodium). Is the heal buildup smaller with a HPS lamp, or is it the same? Oh and my neme is iltigo I L T I G O not TIGO:D
  19. I

    400w Hps

    Yo everyone, I´m would like to ask a question. I´ve got a grow room setup. It´s dimensions are 59.76"(153cm) high, 19.53"(50cm) wide and 23.43"(60cm) deep, I counted 16 square feet. Know I´d like to grow under an 400W HPS, but I´d like to know, if this (I know its in a diferrent language)...
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    Most Stupid Things

    Nice, I had a bad experience once too, usually when I get ripped I´m somewhere away whith good friends, but this time I went to a near buy club, After a few beers(czech beer mmm...!) and a few glasses of vodka I descided to go smoke, cause my friends where all like cmon, noone´s gonna notice...