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  1. ZipDriveX

    Are these still preflowers?

    I'm at about 6 weeks of 18/6 lighting on my bagseeds and my plants are showing what I hope are still preflowers. They sure look like buds forming to me, but others tell me they're still preflowers. I just lst'd them a few days ago and need them to branch up towards my screen before i Flip them...
  2. ZipDriveX

    Baby Gate For Scrog Screen?

    Hey everyone! I've got my first scrog grow happening but. Am a little concerned about my choice for a screen. Most current pic: Good pic of the gate: As I am reading more into the scrog method I'm starting to think the holes will not be big enough to bend the tops back down when the time...
  3. ZipDriveX

    Zip's CFL Stealth Cab Scrog

    Hello all! This is my second full grow, but my first grow in my new cab and my first time with the scrog method. Check out my first grow here: Seeds: Bagseed (Trial run before ordering goodness) Medium: Fox...
  4. ZipDriveX

    Piss test tomorrow

    So tomorrow I have to go take a Labcorp pre employment drug test that I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail. I've been clean for a week now but I know it isn't enough since my wife and I usually smoke a quarter a week. I've been loading up on creatine the past couple of days and drinking ounces and...
  5. ZipDriveX

    My First Stealth Cab (Work In Progress)

    So I'm getting ready for my second grow and picked up this perfect cab at a garage sale next door for $10!!! Once I get all the light leaks sealed up no one will be able to tell!! Also picked up a baby gate at the sale for $2 and it fits perfectly as a SCROG screen!! So far that is all...
  6. ZipDriveX

    In need of some bud in Kauai

    My wife and I are on our honeymoon in Kauai and are about out of bud. I got a gram or so from a Guy that was buying a piece at a local pipe store but I doubt ill get that lucky again. Anyone know where I can find some? Tried the beach but all we find is more tourists lol
  7. ZipDriveX

    Finding a bag in Hawaii?

    My fiance and I will be in Kapaa Hawaii the first week of July for our honeymoon, and one of the first things we're going to want to do is try and track down some ganja for the week. Is there a Hawaii'n word we should know about or does anyone have any suggestions on how a tourist can find some...
  8. ZipDriveX

    My Harvest Pics

    Hurray it's finally here!!! Man that's a lot of work trimming and I still have another trim to go!! Check out my signature for my full grow! Anyway,here's the info before the pics Tiana: Main bud weights a wet 32.1g and a total of 37g Ariel: Main bud weighs a wet 21.6g and a total of 32.7g...
  9. ZipDriveX

    Question About Drying Small Plant

    I will be harvesting my beauties in a few days and as you can see by the picture below, both plants are relatively small in size. The buds in the center of the plants have such short stems to them that they have basically "become one" with the main cola. My question is, should I hang the entire...
  10. ZipDriveX

    LST Lower Bud Shoots?

    So my two plants are now 2 weeks into flowering and I'm noticing a lot of the lower bud shoots are "tripping over themselves" and not branching out away from the main stem. If I were to lst the lower shoots out a little from the stem would the extra light make larger lower buds? Or should I...
  11. ZipDriveX

    How do you measure your nutes?

    Like the title says, just curious what everyone uses to measure and mix their nutrients with. Post up pics and links :leaf::-P
  12. ZipDriveX

    Possible Mg deficiency?

    Age: 7 weeks from sprouting, Week 2 of flowering Medium: Fox Farms Happy Frog (transplanted from Miracle Gro soil at 2 weeks. A very small amount of the MG soil was left on the roots when transplanted) Lighting: 6x 26w 2700k CFL's & 2x 26w 5000k CFL's on 12/12 Water: Filtered through dispenser...
  13. ZipDriveX

    Glass Cleaning 101

    Alright so it's about that time again, when all of my glass pieces get clogged up and it's time to clean them again. I always use Purple Power degreaser in a zip loc bag. I soak each piece for at least 30 mins then rinse out the chunks with hot water from the sprayer on the sink. :leaf: What...
  14. ZipDriveX

    Beneficial To LST At This Point?

    I'm growing two bagseed plants that will be five weeks old tomorrow. One plant is growing perfectly in size and symmetry and the other isnt going quite as perfectly. It's just over 4" tall now. I plan to switch over to 12/12 here in 7-14 days (depending on the other plants height) and wondered...
  15. ZipDriveX

    Are These Preflowers On Top?

    Alright so these two plants are a little over 4 weeks old on 18/6 lighting with CFLs. Are these showing signs of female preflowers on the very top node? Is it normal to see this on the top only and not on the other nodes? Is it just showing its sex early but not budding yet? I was told that I...
  16. ZipDriveX

    WTH Is Up With This Plant?

    Ive made other threads about this same plant and everyone seems to think its just gentics or something but this is starting to look really weird!!! This plant is 4 weeks old in FF Happy Frog, under cfs at 18/6 Its almost like it's beginning to flower on top by itself. I have other two plants...
  17. ZipDriveX

    4 Weeks In - Pictures

    Well the girls are 28 days from sprouting and getting more exciting every day :) Using bagseed in Fox Farm Happy frog with no nutes yet and CFLs. Check my sig for full grow. Each plant has 5 nodes so far about perfectly spaced IMO. I tried to get good pictures to see the nodes. Lemme know what...
  18. ZipDriveX

    Strange Top Node?

    Alright, Belle has always been the oddball plant and she continues to be. Why is her top node so strange looking compared to the others anyone know? The first pic is of weird Belle, and the second is of the normal Tiana Growing in Fox Farms Happy Frog using CFL's on 18/6. No added nutes at...
  19. ZipDriveX

    Smell Masking Without Exhaust Fan?

    I had to close the door to the room that has my grow closet in it for a little bit today while company was over. I left the closet door open inside the room with my fan blowing fresh air onto my plants. When I opened it again about an hour later I got a good wiff of MJ! This is the first time I...
  20. ZipDriveX

    Video: My Plants are Sad :(

    Medium: Fox Farm Happy Frog (recently transplanted to this from using crappy MG soil)(No nutes yet for a few weeks) Lights: 6 26w 5000k CFL's & 2 26w 27000k CFL's on 18/6 Alright so I know what some of my problem is already, I just want to have more eyes look and see if there's something else...