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  1. M

    what is legal marijuana?

    The question may be a faux paus, 'cause I see some of them are your advertisers, but I gotta ask. What is it? Why is it legal? Does it contain THC? Can you use it to rip people in trading? Have I been ripped off already? I have purchased the dankest smell and taste, but, without the effect I was...
  2. M

    dumb question

    ok, I've got a dumb question As growers, when you see seed clusters start to develop in a young plant, you yoink the plant 'cause it's male, and therefor no good. Here's the foolish question part: As buyers, why are there so many seeds in my stuff? I've hardly ever gotten a bag without seeds.
  3. M

    when to plant outdoors in Florida

    very interesting
  4. M

    when to plant outdoors in Florida

    All right, so I read a little further and I know I have to wait for proper light cycles to have a successful outdoor grow here in Florida. So, is mid March more viable? Bear in mind, I'm still outta weed.
  5. M

    when to plant outdoors in Florida

    Hey. When is the best time to plant otdoors in Florida. I am pretty sure this is not the right time of year to plant outside, but I've got good seed and I don't wanna wait months to start growing. Plus, I'm tired of being out of weed. I like to plant in containers, so I could avoid the slight...