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  1. J

    curing pm nugs

    you both make good points.. i dont know anyone who has ran into this issue personally. anyone know whats the best way to dry it in this case?
  2. J

    curing pm nugs

    im wondering if anyone knows if i put a harvested tree with powdery mildew in the same room with other trees that arent infected, would the powdery mildew spread to the non infected ones? kind of an emergency. thanks in advance.
  3. J

    drying powdery mildew buds

    does anyone know if powdery mildew will spread if i dry the infected one with non infected ones in the same room? or how to reduce the spreading of it when drying if it does spread???? thanks in advace
  4. J

    Powdery Mildew ?

    so how did the crop turn out? did the powdery mildew spread while it was drying?