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  1. H

    Avoiding occasional salt buildup and maintaining soil quality

    answer to salts in the soil? flush 1x/veg and 1x/bloom and use DRIPCLEAN with every watering. Thats easy isnt it?
  2. H

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    I defoliate all through my grow. Each time a budding tip is 1"+, i pull the fan leaf. In my tests i noticed no difference in bud size with fan or without. I do, however notice a HUGE increase in light down into the plant, and thus much better/thicker buds. On top of this, with defoliation, i...
  3. H

    M39 indoor clones / soil / veg

    temps should be 70-80deg. humidity should be <50% need good airflow. florescent lights should be only 2" from top of plants you should water less often and water thoroughly your soil seems problematic, maybe change for next transplant? I recommend Promix for example you need to be careful with...
  4. H

    Trouble cloning

    First, i noticed that often the quality of the clones depended on the quality of the mother and branch used. Branches should be newer, and if red or hard stemmed, probably some outter coating scraped off before applying hormone. I stopped using rockwool for the same reasons. I think that it...
  5. H

    All about Coco! MOG

    i love coco! I buy 4.5 cf blocks of Down to Earth for $20. I mix with perlite at 9/1 (coco/perlite). I grow "hempy" style, using a 3.5 gal bucket i leave 1" perlite at the bottom, and cut 1 hole 2" from the bottom, thus leaving a "res" in the bucket. Using Blumats, I water to waste without...
  6. H

    Cutting fan leaves

    i have started defoliating all the way through the entire grow. Much conventional wisdom on this is down the drain. My plants are growing great, more healthy and are producing more buds during the same cycle. I remove all fan leaves that have at least a 1/4" budding joint established. To me it...
  7. H

    Making hash oil with alcohol

    i concur, that 99% iso is just fine to use for extraction, and is not a risk whatsoever(no matter what raven says..). I use a doubleboiler, and it evaps FAST(about 1ltr in 2 hrs). I leave the oil out a few days to confirm iso evap, then scrape, jar and enjoy. Often i also extract good oil from...
  8. H

    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    i used to foliar feed a lot, not so much anymore. Since i've received a dozen different strains via clones from other mmj users, i am very worried about pm(which has shown up on occasion). Foliar feeding takes my humidity too high (over 60%), so it's not beneficial enough for me. I will, however...
  9. H

    Having trouble cloning Cinderella 99

    i'm wondering...if the root area gets so swollen because the outside covering of the stem is too hard/thick? You might try new clones by scraping off the outer coating of the stem before applying the hormone and planting. I bet you'll see quicker rooting then. This happens a lot to me on older...
  10. H

    LST pro needed

    you'll see the lower budding joints begin to turn upward a few days after lsting. Usually i lst all my plants through early veg to create a candleabra the width of the pot by lsting each branch in a different direction, like spokes on a wheel. I use 5" wire that i bent into a hook shape and...
  11. H

    I'm thinking of makin oil from my trimings after harvest need advice :)

    you could also just grind it fine, and wash it for 1-2min with 99% iso, filter & evapping afterward. Works great for me for trimmings and vape leftovers. Yum!
  12. H

    Fitting a 400 watt HPS into rubbermaid bin?????!?!? (+Rep for good advice)

    that is a fire waiting to happen imho..scares the sh.t outta me!
  13. H


    lots of variables in your setup, but i'll make some guesses: cfls=for veg? If so confirm they are 6500k. I made the mistake of using 2700k's and they didn't do very well. CFL's have poor penetration, so you'll need to keep them very close, say 2" from plants. You'll also want to fim, lst them...
  14. H

    Bought new timer didn't shut off one week into flower

    you are probably going to be ok, with only 1 full day on. You might want to do 24 hr dark to kick them back into bloom. But at 1week in, you should be ok, FAR worse to do that after, say 4 weeks in 12/12. I may set back your harvest a bit, but you should be ok. I wrecked an entire crop when a...
  15. H

    red branches need advice?

    for some strains this is normal. For most strains this is a sign of a deficiency and/or lockout. You do not say what your media is or your nutes, or what state your plants are in, so.. soil: flush with water, say 3x pot volume, allowing a lot of runoff. Renute. Consider using luke-style method...
  16. H

    Good strains to grow in under 2 feet of space?

    So you have 24"..vertical or horizontal? I'll assume vertical. I highly recommend fimming then using scrog or lst methods to bend the living daylights out of em as they grow to ~6". Then you'll have 18" vert for colas. You definitely want to go with as pure an indica as possible to keep it...
  17. H

    cloniing no hormone in soil

    most likely it will take at least 10days without hormone, if everything is right. If you have time and would like to get more bud, I would recommend you lst the plant a bit to setup multiple colas. That way you can get it to 2' tall and 2' wide. good luck!
  18. H

    Sun Pulse DIGITAL Lamps

    I am considering the same ballast/bulb, and would love any input also.
  19. H

    WW height issues. *PICS INC.*

    You didnt mention what wattage your hps is. Heat will cause plants to stretch. I would top them now if you see at least 4 nodes and lay out a nice scrog, at about 1ft tall. You'll need to be a "lst ninja", i think even so. I personally would want them farther than 4" from the light, more like...