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  1. brandonflowers

    HOw to kill spider mites

    I had a similar problem with the little buggers and read on that spider mites breed so fast they can grow resistant to one pesticide so it's a good idea to chop and change between different varieties. Has anyone had any experiences that would back up this claim...
  2. brandonflowers

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Where do you buy your equipment from? I have just done a quick price comparison between 4 major hydro suppliers online. I compared the price that they each sell the Secret Jardin DR40 Grow Tent which is an excellent little essential for the home grower. sell it...
  3. brandonflowers

    Please i need help with my first hydro setup !!!

    I'd lose the dresser and get a secret jardin dark room tent. They're amazing! They come in a range of sizes from 60 x 60 x 140 cm up to 300 x 300 x 200cm. I bought mine from and I wouldn't look back. No messing around with bits of wood and mylar. Comes in a...
  4. brandonflowers

    *****Who plays music for there plants???*****

    Is anybody composing original music for their plants? That would be cool! I love going to all the <a target="_blank" href="">bristol open mic nights</a> (where I live) and watching all the talent. If someone introduced their music on stage as being of scientific...
  5. brandonflowers

    quick gemination question

    You can get a product called Flower Seed Soak that you soak for 20 more hours and germinate as normal and it stimulates the seed to encourage a tendency for the plant to become female. It's made by accent hydroponics. Good luck!
  6. brandonflowers

    quick question about growing from seeds

    I used root riot blocks (peat fleximix) instead of rock wool and put the propagator under two 55watt florescent tubes and had it on for 18 hours, 6 hours dark and the seeds germinated in 7 days. A lot faster than I have ever done in rock wool. Has anyone else used these? £5 for a tray of 24.
  7. brandonflowers

    Cloning question!!!?!!?!?!

    As long as you leave some foliage when you have cropped it's possible to regenerate the plant by topping up with grow nutes and using 24-7 light for a fortnight. After the fortnight return to the 18 hour on, 6 off cycle. This will put the plant back into grow and you can grow a stock plant.
  8. brandonflowers

    7 weeks in flowering, questions...

    I think this might be because the plant has used it's potassium and phosphorus (PK) reserves. So try adding something rich in PK like Canna PK 13/14.
  9. brandonflowers

    Canna rhizotonic

    Hi, In my last crop I got a nasty infestation. I mixed in a hydrogen peroxide solution to kill the larvae but it also killed the root system. A friend suggested using Rhizotonic in all grows in future to build a stronger plant base so that IF (fingers crossed) I have to use HP again, the...