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  1. Kushkittens

    600w Granddaddy Blueberry SOG: Pics

    Very cool :) yeah hold off on the nutes for a little they will bounce back. More pics! haha
  2. Kushkittens

    In The Future There Will Be A One World Gov't And It Will Be Internet Based!

    this guys gotta be fucking around. Nuff said its a stoopid thread lol
  3. Kushkittens

    How was your trip?

    Hey all, Just wanna here some cool trip stories. ill start with mine... Ok so this was my first time taking lsd. I was pretty fucking nervous, like butterflies in the stomach kinda shit lol I took it with my brother and 1 of his friends at the friends house. This kinda worried me a little...
  4. Kushkittens

    MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!

    Worm you had me cracking up thee entire way thru this thread with that forgetaboutit shit lmao good shit man haha
  5. Kushkittens

    Cali medical question

    You just need to be under honestly. if u get more then insisted by the law then ur gunna have issues. If you dont want ne trouble with the law stay under the limit, plants produce more then ur suppose to have? well then u need to get rid of it lol honestly i wudnt trip about it, cops wont...
  6. Kushkittens

    California Tomorrow!

    Channel 5 is doing a segment on it at 6!
  7. Kushkittens

    Taking a clone from a late flowering plant?

    Yah i was definatly thinking of the mold part. alright, well ne other input?
  8. Kushkittens

    Taking a clone from a late flowering plant?

    Ok so what is the point of no return if any for taking clones off flowering plants? Say if a plant was flowering 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks. And if done late in flowering like say 4 weeks would it have ill affects to the clone?
  9. Kushkittens

    Is Christianity Safe?

    Well said padawan...well said lol :bigjoint:
  10. Kushkittens

    My personal CFL grow!

    Woo! week four down. Plants still all look great. :bigjoint: Buuut i have a question, my grape romulan (tallest 1) isnt growing very big buds at the top, but more at the middle of the plant. Any ideas why? neways pics are attached! tell me watcha think.:leaf: *Grape Rom.(pics 1-3) *Blue...
  11. Kushkittens

    Ever sceen/heard of this b4?

    Ok so my plants 25 days into flower and looks verry healthy, i wud post pics but my cells gone :-( and no camera yet. Ill try to explain, my plants 15 inches tall, around 3/4 of the way up the main stalk theirs this "bump" or like a swelling kinda thing. it hasnt really affected nething except...
  12. Kushkittens

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    68watt, i have 3 :D
  13. Kushkittens

    doug benson "the high road" on G4

    Haha doug bensons funny as hell, hes kinda wearing out the medical marijuana stuff but i still think hes chill for spreading the word about it. Also look out for his new one hes doing. He'll be going to all 13 states where its legal :weed:
  14. Kushkittens

    150 watt hid sun system vs cfls?

    Cfl's will deffinatly cost less, Plus you can actually get really good yields with them if used properly. Look in the CFL growing forum ull find a bunch of sweet grows :weed:
  15. Kushkittens

    Agave nectar instead of molasses? +rep for help

    I just got some organic agave nectar, better/worse than molasses for flowering?:weed: or does it even matter lol
  16. Kushkittens

    New grow: day 12 veg (First grow journal)

    Subscribed forshure
  17. Kushkittens

    My personal CFL grow!

    Ahh went in there today and saw the crystals she had. It looks great all three plants are budding great, the platnum kush will be the lowest yeilder tho forshure. I wud take pics for you guys but my cell doesnt do justice to how they look in person haha Ill post sum more pics monday and...
  18. Kushkittens

    My personal CFL grow!

    Ok guys i just got a bottle of Fox Farm Big Bloom liquid plant food from a "friend" lol She was a little wierd nd she had alot of shit just collected up (friend of a friends mom) So my question is does any1 know what the color of it is? because im not shure, she definatly cud of like idk...
  19. Kushkittens

    What kind of Light is best for an autoflower strain?

    Yah it would. Its great for small area grows :weed: