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  1. biglolo

    DNA Pure Afghan ----> DWC PC Case

    Its been awhile. Checking out your PC Grow. Looks good. I just finally got all of my stuff together for my case. Soaking my airstones, hydrton, rockwool, and waterpump in 5.5 pH. I've got a lot of seeds to choose from right now. I'm leaning towards white rhino since i've got 20 seeds. :leaf:
  2. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    I thought about topping. Since im using bag seed for the first grown i'll have to give it a try.
  3. biglolo

    Stealth PC grow case(w/ help of trunk5)

    Yo spoon your gonna have haters regardless of what you do homie. Keep up the good work. For all you haters! HERES MY CASE!
  4. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    That looks like a awesome harvest. I'm hoping for the same results if not better using the scrog method. :bigjoint: I'll have to hit you up when I start.
  5. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    ran the case with the lights on part of the day and the hottest it got was 82.4 with 25% humidity. the temp was in range but the humidity was low, but that was without water in the small tank. just a test run before i start anything. i'll also do a test with water temp soon. looking for a good...
  6. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    Yeah i just wanted a untouched case. it was 120 on newegg. Thanks for the props.
  7. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    nice!!!! i'm looking forward to starting my grow. starting out on some bag seed. dont want to get into my high dollar stuff yet. I'll probably use the scrog method.
  8. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    Are you talking about the air pump for my air stones? I left the air pump in the case at the very bottom just below the intake fan. It will have cool incoming air flowing over it. I'm sure if you could place it outside of the case and just run a long air line to your air stones. From what i have...
  9. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    I would say map out everything before you start. If your going soil it will probably cheaper in the long run. I spent about 300.00 building this case but I went the extra mile and dynomated my case and used a 12v adapter to actually plug in my fans vs splicing in a cell phone charger. I found...
  10. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    Yeah sorry for the wait. I havent actually check with the fans off. I'm running a check right now to see what the temps and humidity are with the lights on and fans running. If it gets too hot I might add another intake fan to keep the temps down. Right now im running two 90 cfm 18dbs 120mm fans.
  11. biglolo

    My PC Grow Case.

    Ok so I've been working on this case for a few weeks. It almost fully completed. I'm just waiting on a few little parts to finish it up. Its a stealth bubbleponics case. Let me know what you think.
  12. biglolo

    attitude giving away 3 greenhouse strains

    Man!!! Looking forward to placing my order tomorrow.
  13. biglolo

    Looking for a PH meter

    I was actually looking at getting the hanna combo meter.
  14. biglolo

    Looking for a PH meter

    Thanks for the help. I was looking at the Hanna pH meter. I've also read that about the ppm and have you should focus more on the pH versus ppm.
  15. biglolo

    The Union

    This movie really got me into doing my own grow. I've watched it maybe 10 times in the past 3 months lol.
  16. biglolo

    Obama FOOLED you all! pawned!

    Amen to that buttery420!!!!!:clap:
  17. biglolo

    Looking for a PH meter

    I'm looking for a good ph meter and would like some suggestions before i fork over 100 bucks.:leaf:
  18. biglolo

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    lol Straight up panic attack!!! If you would have went to the E.R. the first thing they ask is have been smoking marijuana or taking cocain, speed, or any other stimulant. I suffer from anxiety lol. Been there before but never for weed. I'm good now thanks to my medication lol :weed:
  19. biglolo

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    Yeah when it comes to premo weed your tolerence could be low. I can smoke a blunt of mexican dirt weed and be alright, but I can take one hard it of the good shit and be stoned as f**k.
  20. biglolo

    OMFG I smoked a shit ton of weed AND ... sdfsd

    Sound like you smoked way too much and had a panic attack. Not to say your not a hardcore smoker. I had that happen a long time ago. Shits scary as hell. Next time just smoke a little bit and get a good buzz and just maintain if you start coming down and want to keep it going.