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  1. J

    Negative Rep

    another non growin kiddie wit thousandz of post on a WEED GROWIN SITE.
  2. J

    Negative Rep

  3. J

    Ronald Regan is an idiot

    read dat last part carefully.... hiz drug awarenezz campaign put da info together n :spew:GENEROUS CORPORATIONS:spew:paid da billz.....
  4. J

    Ronald Regan is an idiot

  5. J

    ann coulter debates cheech and chong

    :spew: QUALITY CONTROL :spew:
  6. J

    ann coulter debates cheech and chong

    shez a disgrace, da dead doeznt need fanz like her. did u know coulter waz da inspiration 4 da american beauty radio spot... ann wasnt schitzophrenic just senile at 23, she had no fun, she didnt nag, only short kinky haired boyz called her, they were ashamed of their bodiez. now id...
  7. J

    sweet its snowing in sac town

    itz called CLIMATE change now n not global warmin. they had 2 change da name from global warmin cuz 2 many simple minded ditto headz were gettin confused........ Climate(from Ancient Greek klima, meaning inclination) is commonly defined as the weather averaged over a long period of...
  8. J

    Negative Rep

  9. J

    Negative Rep

    bwahhahahahahahahhhzhahah!!!!!! thatz wut i figured. thousandz of posts on a WEED GROWIN SITE, u dont smoke, dont grow, wtf do u do???? watevah u kidz better get 2 bed now seein itz a school night n all.
  10. J

    Negative Rep

    :dunce: read a book n get sum skillz then start growin sum weed n maybie u wont look like a such clueless poser.
  11. J

    Negative Rep

    :spew: bullshit get off ur lazy ass n grow sum weed... shit u probably dont even smoke :spew:so wtf do u care.:spew:
  12. J

    Negative Rep

    :dunce: real pro growerz n conniseurz r picky bout wut we smoke..... but of course thatz nothin ud know bout.
  13. J

    Negative Rep

  14. J

    For those that hate "Liberals"

    :dunce: :spew: lol wut rethugliconz are pro pot? whod u vote 4 prez?????? lol.
  15. J

    Political Satire and Censorship

    therez conservative comedianz they just suck n thyr not funny. conservaitvez have no sense of humor n they jus have lil pea brainz so itz really not their fault they waz born jus dipshitz.
  16. J

    For those that hate "Liberals"
