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  1. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    Well i just had another close look at my crop and it would seem that a second (most probably) male has revealed itself too. On the other hand, i spotted what looks like female activity on 2 other plants. Took some pics but only 1 of the pics turned out nicely. Does that look like a female to...
  2. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    used 250W MH for veg (22days) and switched to 250W HPS for flowering (6 days in now). It's my first grow so am really hoping to get a couple fems.
  3. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    k gonna crash out now - will update this with some pics tomorrow then can hopefully see more
  4. Dinky73

    Is this normal for 1 month???

    those pics are a bit fuzzy dude - check out your cam and see if u got a close-up (macro) setting that might help for sharpness. 3-4 more weeks is my guess
  5. Dinky73

    white trichs and amber pistils; I think my lowryder is ready - PICS!

    hehe budget grow = budget harvest there u have it gratz on successful grow dude
  6. Dinky73

    what to do

    pics help a lot 1. reply via the "reply now" button 2. hit the "manage attachments" button 3. upload the pics 4. close the manage attachments window after upload is complete 5. submit reply
  7. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    u like pics? had a proper picture-taking session tonight This is the whole crop and like i said, none of them are showing any flowering activity besides the one i posted up top (it's bottom right on the group pic) Appreciate any further comments... tks mates
  8. Dinky73

    only week 5 but tric's are more then 50% cloudy!

    deffo make yourself a 2nd area to keep the seedlings alive - they don't have to grow much, just stay alive until the proper area becomes free. Done the same thing myself with a clone / slow veg room, somewhere to put your cuttings and small plants where they will just be happy until their time...
  9. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    quick *bump* before i crash out - anybody else got some input and an answer to my re-potting question? tks
  10. Dinky73


    i have no experience with such a thing mate - best go real careful at first until u see some changes/results Seems it never good to overdo it with these kinds of things
  11. Dinky73

    Wtf is up with riu?!

    HAHA ! i did the IQ test too !
  12. Dinky73


    sure ! enough to lower it to the right ph level Sorry, couldn't resist that...
  13. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    tks for input cph. From what i've read, there are other factors that can be an indication of masculinity: - bushiness - height - point in time where u see flowering activity the posted pic is one of the less bushy, spindlier plants and given only 5 days of flowering, i must assume that this is...
  14. Dinky73

    Wtf is up with riu?!

    although i do think that RIU could do with less of it...
  15. Dinky73

    Wtf is up with riu?!

    I became immune to browser advertising years ago
  16. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    hey fditty! how can u be so sure, or are u just getting me all excited?
  17. Dinky73

    Flower 12/12 Question??? Pro's ONLY!!! PLEASE!!

    u sure u got complete darkness in the dark period, without any light leakage? that could be something that would prolong the switch to flowering
  18. Dinky73

    Wtf is up with riu?!

    i get bad gateway occasionally too - but i can only view this as a GOOD thing - the server is overloaded coz there's so many growers out there wanting to share them good vibes! Feel the loVe people!
  19. Dinky73

    Spot that gender - is this a male?

    hey dudes, 5 days into flowering. This is the first of 6 plants which is showing any kind of flowering activity. I think it's a male, what u guys think? peAce dink
  20. Dinky73

    who is really holding it down

    I'm from Europe and I like it here. Before I pass comment, what does "who's holding it down" actually mean? I can only guess from the context that it means "who's the best" and if that's the case I won't pass further comment. Since I truly believe we're all equal on this planet. PeAce...